What do you think about the workplace in the future

Daehyun Lim (Ray)
Ray’s Life Story
Published in
6 min readJun 18, 2021

Did you ever think about the workplaces in the future? Did you ever think about how will change your work and career environment? As advanced various technologies, our workplaces’ environment will be face various challenges, such as AI technology will be replace many of our jobs. And during the pandemic, many workers have been experience work from home work environment. This workplace circumstance continues to over 1 year, and many employees are familiar to work from home style. Also, in my opinion, many companies are realized pros and cons about work from home workplace style.

As vaccination is accelerating around the world, many companies are started to let their employees work in office again. In this process, many of employees are tend to prefer work from home workplace instead of work in office. Probably, many companies are offering work from home style or more flexibility to high talent employees. But for not high talent employees, maybe waiting difficult workplaces such as part time positions called gig worker. Gig worker and Gig economy have been introduced for several years, but many people do not understand about how to Gig economy will influence to our workplace.

It is time to rethink about our workplace, it is time to rethink about our job career. The Covid-19 pandemic accelerating our workplace to Gig economy.

  1. Pros and Cons of Work form Home

Work form Home is became to new normal since Corona Virus pandemic. Many companies around the world are let their employees work at their home since pandemic. Probably, there are many confusions, misunderstanding and inconvenience. But as many workers are working at their home, many workers are became comfortable with work from home style. They can save commute time, avoid useless meetings and more focus on the work. Most of all, they can use more time for themselves after work. Of course, there are remain feeling about willing to face to face meeting. But the benefits on work from home are more bigger than feeling about face to face meeting.

How companies are thought about ‘Work from home’ style? Good or Bad? Probably, there are exist both good and bad things. First, the companies can realized available save fixed cost such office rent fee, electricity fee and other cost in the office. If their employees’ productivity can keep compare to work at the office, will many companies consider about how to adapt work from home workplace in their company to save the money. Of course work from home style is not suitable for all companies, but I think that some companies are trying to adapt work from home style at least some part of their business. And work from home workplace offering will be more attracted to many talented workers.

As vaccinations are accelerating around the world, it is strongly possible emerge issues about work from home style will continue or not. Probably, some companies are trying to mixed work form home and work in the office workplaces.

2. Increase employees’ demand

As many workers are familiar to work from home style, many of them are not willing to come back to office to work. Many workers are prefer to work from home instead of work in office. Because many workers are realized benefit of work from home- available have more individual time (save the time for commute) and don’t need to pay attentions to others (only focus their tasks). Probably, many of workers will request to their companies about more flexibility at the workplace, such as remote work place or at least fifty-fifty for work in office and home. Moreover, many companies are suffering hire their employees as reopen business areas. Especially, IT industry face to very difficult to hire employees. At least in the South Korea, one of the biggest issues is shortage IT engineers. In the situation, many employees are started request to better salary, benefits and flexibility. Perhaps, many companies are strongly consider these worker’s demand if they are high-talented workers. If they are not high-talented workers, how do companies react to them? What this trend will lead to our workplaces?

3. Increase conflict between companies and employees

As many companies are reopen or rerunning their business, it is strongly possible that new conflicts are occur between companies and employees. Because many companies and employees are start thinking that how to running their business or career in post pandemic. I think that Corona virus pandemic is very significant turning point in our history. It is not just pandemic, it is significant historical event for change our workplaces and personal life.

Many companies will make a new strategies in their business. They realized that there are no need to maintain offline-based office spaces for all their employees. Of course, companies are need to at least offline office places, but they will redesign workplace circumstance such as some employees are work from home - some employees are work share office near employees’ house and some employees are work in office — , companies will be save cost to maintain their offices. And, many companies are rethink about is need to hire full-time employees. If remote work style is available keep productivity, is possible hire freelancers or part time employees to progress their tasks? What is different full-time employees and freelancers in the remote workplace?

If many companies will try hire freelancers or part-time employees instead of full-time employees, it will be critical conflicts between companies and workers. If workers are not keep and improve of their ability, it will be more and more difficult to find suitable jobs in the future.

On other hand, for companies, this situation will be not good 100%, because high-talent workers will be choose their jobs or tasks depends on how much money they can receive and how much better benefits they can get. Probably, companies will offer much better conditions to high-talent workers.

In other words, if you have a competitiveness abilities, you can get better job than others, and If you do not have a competitiveness abilities, you will more and more difficult to find suitable jobs to you.

4. The Good workplaces for only high-talented person

In my opinion, as pass time, there are getting bigger gap quality and opportunity between high-talented people and medium and low talented people. Ironically, as workers are claims to work from home style, the companies will considering remote workplaces to acquire high-talented workers without consider where they live in. Moreover, some companies are trying to hire workers as not full-time job, because if they control work tasks productivity, they more attracted hire not full time job workers in their projects.

As a result, high-talented people will be received good conditions offers, and they can choose several jobs at same time. The other hand, for medium and low talented people will be struggle with find good jobs. This mean is that we need to continue to developing our skills to find better jobs. We need to have a open mind to learn and embrace new knowledge and technology, and keep going towards. Regardless age and current situation, we need to continue considering about what is improve my value in the future job market.

5. How to keep and improve our skills for Jobs

It is not easy to keep and improve our skills for jobs as we say. If you are worker now, probably you say that there are not enough time to learn new something. Let’s imagine almost workers’s daily life, in the morning we are always feel pressed for time to go office. And we have to do a lot of works during the office. After work time, when we come back home, there are many thing to weaken our mind to learn something for improve our skills. TV, Netflix, beer and just want to feel rest or sleep. In my case, it is really hard to keep practice learning English, read books and learn new trend in my job space. After work and come back to my home, I’m trying to read books or studying English, but it is really hard to spend many time it. During the read book, I turn on Netflix or TV, and I saw myself of watch movies or dramas instead of read books or study English. I always remind myself every morning and try to spend more and more time in develop myself.

Which method is most effective way keep our will for self-development effort? Strong motivation? Stimulant? Actually, I have no idea about that. I just know we need to develop our skills and try to keep effort every single day. Our effort will not show result in short term, but I believe that if we try to keep develop of our skills, we will meet more bright result in the future.



Daehyun Lim (Ray)
Ray’s Life Story

I’m working in IT industry and I try to study English. I would like communicate with various people in here.