Rayton Solar CEO, Andrew Yakub, interviewed by Forbes Magazine

Rayton Solar
Rayton Solar
Published in
2 min readJul 17, 2017

“Andrew Yakub may be onto something. Big. Sliced bread big.”

Yakub, 30, is the CEO and founder of Rayton Solar. A physicist who had used particle accelerators for cutting silicon had launched a solar installation business. Fearing the end of Federal tax incentives that might slow his business, he was thinking about ways to cut the cost of solar enough to make it economical without them. He surmised that the silicon in solar panels could be sliced with a particle accelerator rather than with blades, radically reducing wasted silicon.

From that foundation, Yakub has built a promising startup. Targeting a 60% reduction in manufacturing costs, he hopes to both lower costs to customers and operate with better-than-industry average margins. In addition, he expects the solar panels to be 25% more efficient. With those goals, he raised $2.8 million in seed funding.”

Read the entire feature story

About Rayton Solar — Rising California Solar Company

Founded in 2013, Rayton Solar is one of the top solar companies in California that’s manufacturing the world’s most efficient solar cells. Our team is made up of particle physicists, engineers, professors, and cleantech entrepreneurs united to make the world a cleaner, better place. Each member is dedicated to Rayton Solar mission and the promise these revolutionary solar panels hold for the future of the renewable energy industry.

Rayton Solar aims to develop the world’s most cost-effective source of energy. By bringing together essential particle accelerator technology and solar energy manufacturing, Rayton has created a solar cell production technique that can be leveraged to transform the way electricity is generated around the world. We use gallium arsenide used by NASA and possessing a far higher efficiency compared to other solar silicon varieties, is making the highest graded silicon cost-effective to the point that subsidies in solar cell manufacturing are no longer needed for solar energy to be the cheapest source of energy. We believe the future of solar energy has never been brighter.

Originally published at raytonsolar.com on July 17, 2017.

