Reactions from SXSW 2018

Rayton Solar
Rayton Solar
Published in
3 min readMar 26, 2018

March 10, 2018

The Clean Energy Materials of Tomorrow, Today

Rayton Solar met with Alán Aspuru-Guzik, SXSW panelist and current Professor of Chemistry at Harvard University. Dr. Aspuru-Guzik discussed the importance of reducing the time it takes to develop new materials for energy technologies. His team at Harvard is harnessing the computing power from more than 150,000 volunteers of IBM’s World Community Grid, quantum chemistry, and machine learning, to facilitate the discovery of new materials for organic solar cells and organic batteries. He currently heads the Harvard Clean Energy Project Database, which contains data and analyses on 2.3 million candidate compounds for organic photovoltaics. It is an open resource designed to give researchers in the field of organic electronics access to promising leads for new material developments.

Dr. Aspuru-Guzik goal is to further extend a collaboration with solar technology companies like Rayton Solar to push forward the design of these promising new materials for use in clean energy applications.

Amongst other recognitions, Aspuru-Guzik has been the recipient of the DARPA Young Faculty Award, the Sloan Research Fellowship, and was selected as a Top Innovator under 35 by the MIT Technology Review. He is a fellow of the American Physical Society and in 2013 he received the Early Career Award in Theoretical Chemistry from the American Chemical Society

March 12, 2018

The Future of Energy Is Everyone’s Business

Business leaders discuss the importance of collaboration for a low-carbon future.

The science of climate change is becoming clearer by the day. Rayton Solar met with Dr. Maarten Wetselaar, the Integrated Gas & NewEnergies Director and a member of the Executive Committee of Royal Dutch Shell, to discuss the global energy transition to a low-carbon future. Dr. Westelaar is responsible for Shell’s Integrated Gas business, including the industry-leading liquefied natural gas and gas-to-liquids positions. He also leads the New Energies business, including Shell’s investments in new fuels, new energy carriers and new business models for a low-carbon future.

Jules Kortenhorst, CEO of Rocky Mountain Institute, a leading nonprofit organization researching and stimulating clean energy solutions, moderated a panel of speakers discussing the energy transition. As a recognized leader on global energy issues and climate change, Kortenhorst dovetailed broad environmental issues with practical solutions that the panelists touched on.

Dr. Maarten Wetselaar spoke on why the future of energy is everyone’s business and how we can usher in a new era that benefits from a low-carbon footprint. Slashing emissions while ensuring the economic and social benefits of energy requires unprecedented collaboration and systematic change in the way energy is produced and used.

This transition to a low-carbon future requires renewable energy companies like Rayton Solar to provide continuous innovation and human ingenuity to meet our growing energy demands economically. Innovation can only occur when cleantech start-ups can carry intellectual property and knowledge that cannot be replicated easily. Rayton Solar fits this description perfectly with a patented method to produce high-efficiency solar cells using ion implantation technology.

Learn more about how Rayton Solar is using this innovative solar technology to bring power to new applications, including cell phones, EVs, and smart home devices.

Originally published at on March 26, 2018.

