A day in the life of a Solutions engineer

Manisha Jayson
Razorpay Unfiltered
4 min readApr 17, 2021

Recently, I reached the three-month mark of my journey as a proud Razor. I can’t help but look back and smile. Intrigue is the word that aptly describes my tenure so far. In other words, I’m thrilled to be a solutions engineer here! Let me give you a picture of why.

🚀 I am the face of the Razorpay experience for our merchants

Razorpay’s exemplary suite of products has been disrupting the financial ecosystem for a while now. However, our goal of Rs50,000cr GMV for FY 21–22 can be reached only if the merchant has a seamless integration experience. I understood my crucial role in achieving this. Mindful of the competition that Razorpay has in the fintech space, I was inspired from the get-go by our team to work differently. A typical day for me includes experimenting with the product suite and testing corner cases. Additionally, I got first-hand merchant feedback that could help us innovate new features and raise bugs. I realized that small things can make the slightest positive difference to our merchants. Improving our documentation, making our codebase better, and performing feature enhancements are also opportunities that come my way. I am a bridge between the product, engineering, sales teams, and the merchant. Only a few other roles have this level of visibility and insight

👩🏻‍💻 I am an all-round engineer with X-vision

Is that a developer? A business or product analyst? Or a support person? No, that’s a solution engineer! Be it debugging code, coming up with quick workarounds, or interacting with merchants, I get the chance to do it all! In my previous organization, I had no visibility on who was using what I had built. Or how they were reacting to it. I had little say in how I could improve a particular feature. The business analyst would hand it to me and I just had to follow suit. In a complete backend role, as is the case with most engineers, I did not get an opportunity to speak up. In a front-facing role, like that of a solutions engineer, I am abreast with the end-to-end visibility of our products. Right from their inception, I understand their impact on our merchants. Getting to directly interact with merchants, I understand their pain points much faster. Personally, I feel a higher sense of responsibility and motivation in this role. When I make a merchant happy with their integration experience, I directly add to Razorpay’s growth.

💡 I think big, work smart and evolve

While consistently putting in our best efforts to ensuring the highest quality of integrations and support for our merchants, it is also vital to evolve. Keeping with this spirit, our team encourages investing time in upskilling and knowledge sharing. Everyone has the freedom to suggest ways of doing something better. This culture of growing together in a transparent manner is something that we are trying to replicate in our merchant interactions too. Moreover, this increases trust. So, I am forced to put on my thinking cap while working towards finding a better way of doing things. It could be as small as streamlining a mundane process, or replying to an email in a manner that the merchant feels that we are there for them. I am given the freedom to literally ‘solution’ anything that I feel will help the merchant. Right from PoC to production, my peers are a constant pillar of support. Therefore, my role is an embodiment of Razorpay’s values. As a result, I try to mould myself every day to implement them. This, in turn, brings us closer to our merchants.

In conclusion, being a part of the Razorpay Solutions team comes with new possibilities every day. It is a unique piece in the fintech puzzle. Be it answering a challenging question about a product, an insightful learning experience from a corner case, an opportunity for innovation, or the chance to make one more person recommend Razorpay, you never know what may come your way! Each day is an adventure and I’m eagerly looking forward to all the adventures to come!

Illustrations by Samyak Prajapati, Design @ Razorpay

Wish to be a part of this one-of-a-kind experience? Check out the openings here: https://razorpay.com/jobs/

