Create An Enterprise Angular Repo

(with help from Razroo)

Charlie Greenman
3 min readOct 5, 2023


Setting Up A Project Can Be Difficult

Setting up a new Angular project can be difficult, but it doesn’t need to. With the right tools you can set up an Angular project that looks and accomplishes the same as it does in large companies in a matter of minutes.

That is, as long as you have the right tooling. Here we are going to use Razroo, A Software Architect As An Application to accomplish this.

Create a New Angular Enterprise Starter Repo

First, we are going to create our Angular Enterprise Starter Repo. This is going to contain the core configurations needed for our Angular Repository.

This is what your codebase will look like after using Razroo
Click this button to Generate an Angular Starter Repo

Create Angular Starter Infrastructure(Executable)

Next, we are going to create Angular Starter Infrastructure using Razroo Executables. Razroo executables allow us to create multiple features at once with the click of a button and generate this to our repository.

This Angular Starter Infrastructure includes items such as a layout component, home component and route, Angular Material integration, the creation of folder/file infrastructure automatically.

After the executable run, you will receive an email and see something similar to this
Click this button to Generate Angular Starter Infrastructure(Executable)

Create Core Infrastructure(Executable)

Next, we are going to create core architecture for our application. This includes folder/file infrastructure needed, for Graphql, Typescript interfaces, Angular Data Services, and ngrx/store.

Screenshot of what you will see when generating an executable
Click this button to Generate Angular Core Infrastructure(Executable)

You’re Done — Git Clone, Npm Install, Npm Start

You are now done! Congratulations on creating a repo that would take a Senior Software Engineer close to 3 months to complete.

Next step is to clone your github repo locally. Standard as you would for any github repo.

  1. git clone <github repo URL goes here>
  2. npm install
  3. npm start

Once repo up and running you should have something that looks like this:

Anecdote — Changing Design Language System After Done

Sometimes I might not want to use the default styling that Razroo gave me. You are in luck! Using Razroo’s innovative system, you can zero in on a particular feature and re-do it. You can simply re-generate this step with the colors you want.

Here you can see some of the values that have been replaced

We chose black as our primary color, so this is what the new application looks like

Click this button to re-generate the styling for your project

All Set! Marketplace and Beyond!

Congratulations! Using Razroo you have just created a production-grade Angular repo that would normally take 3 months to create. So, you might be wondering what else you can do? Well, you are in luck! Using Razroo’s Marketplace, you can add more code to your repository. Feel free to try out and take a look around. example

