My RBK Pokédex Collection

Amine Grid
RBK Student Blogs
Published in
1 min readFeb 12, 2021

Nothing brings more joy to my heart than accumulating knowledge, especially knowledge related to IT.

When I first started my RBK journey, my Pokédex of web development technologies was empty, null! However, as days passed by, I slowly but surely added more and more to my collection.

I still haven’t mastered most of the technologies we’ve learnt so far, it pains me to say that some still appear to be untamable Charizards, ones such as : Redux, SQL and some aspects of React.

Nevertheless, I’ve managed to tame a lot of friendly Pokémons along the journey, and I’m proud to say that I’m feeling very comfortable using Nodejs, Express, Mongodb and of course, the one and only; JavaScript.

Given the nature of the program, we are expected to be Jacks of all trades, masters of none, but I can’t wait until I dive deeper in my Pokédex and become the best of the best.

