Why Out of the IN ZONE!

LOkmen Abid
RBK Student Blogs
Published in
2 min readJun 10, 2021

All of us like to be in our comfort zone to feel safe within the same behavior and repeated activities being practiced daily. On the other hand, getting out of our comfort zone ensures the feeling of achievement.

Personally, I believe that new challenges help me advance in my life, broaden my vision and grow faster. The first hardship was to quit university, it was not an easy decision at all, I felt near to failure, assuming a random.
Till one day, my father suggested to join RBK. During the beginning of the journey, I was out of my comfort zone for 99%, I was nor familiar with the extreme learning approach, neither with the pairing system; every two days you find yourself with a new pair. Not all of them are the same, they came from different backgrounds, their ideas and mindsets are totally different.
Although I was not comfortable with pairing and studying from 8 AM to 8 PM I kept on pushing myself to learn more and discover how will I end up adopting such a learning process.
Additionally, I improved my soft skills, my communication, and my English; Honestly, now, I feel more self-confident, I can talk in front of the public, I can freely give my feedback. I become more responsible; I manage my time better after learning how to prioritize and communicate.
I realized that I gained too much in a very short period. Furthermore, I always do my best to rely on myself; I always try to find the solution on my own, and I keep asking for a help desk from the technical staff as a last solution.RBK was the biggest challenge, it took me energy, time but It gave me more skills and technical competencies. Now I’m ready for more adventures on a higher level within my new mindset.
Bear in mind, that one single challenge can change everything about what you believe, what you like to do, and how you live.
Still, always remember; STRESS + REST = GROWTH.

