Ann Tekatch holding her magnificent 3.2M Ava Pro. Ann has been a member of SOGGI for almost thirty years!

Club in Focus

Southern Ontario Glider Group Inc. (SOGGI)

Lyle Jeakins
3 min readJul 30, 2022


We’re an RC soaring-oriented charter club of the Model Aeronautics Association of Canada (see Resources below) located in the vicinity of Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. SOGGI was first formed in 1975 and became incorporated in 1983.

The club has two flying locations. One being a slope soaring site located about 30 minutes from the city, used with permission from the local conservation authority. The thermal flying sites are sod farms that the club is graciously allowed to use by a local sod company. Due to the nature of the sod farming business, the location of the thermal flying fields changes about every two years.

Left: Rob Nelson launching his 72” wingspan, Skeeter off of our slope soaring site in Westover, Ontario. | Right: Terry Kovack launching his 1.5M DLG off the slope at Westover, Ontario.

SOGGI is a small ‘grass roots’ club with typically 30 to 35 members from all walks of life, including a few private and commercial pilots. Members fly models ranging from the 1970s era to current kit-built and moulded sailplanes. There are a number of avid scratch builder members with decades of model building experience. Some members also fly aerotow with a sister club and there are also several avid free flight modellers.

Left: The author holding his 4M Explorer. I have yet to maiden this beast! | Right: Terry Kovack holding his brand new 2M Toy slope soarer.

Depending on the Spring and Fall weather, the flying season may run from April to November and, weather permitting, the flying sites are available every day during daylight hours. SOGGI typically holds 8–10 events over the season with a mix of fun flys and thermal duration style contests, alternating between line launch and motorized sailplanes.

Left: Mike Sherlaw, ready to launch his electrified, 3.5M Grafas Maxi! | Right: Tim Glover line launching his classic 108” wingspan, Oly II while our club’s Chief Flight Instructor, Terry Kovack observes.

The season tends to wind down significantly in October and November due to the lack of good flying conditions. Indoor meetings are held monthly during the off season that include workshops and other activities related to the hobby. A number of members also keep active flying indoors with members of another local RC club.

Left: Tim Glover proudly displaying his lovely old line launching classic, a 2M Gentle Lady! | Right: A 2M Sophisticated Lady owned by the author. On of my favourite line launchers!

SOGGI is a very friendly, socially active RC club that is always looking to welcome new members! You can check out the website (see Resources, below) to learn more about the club.

©2022 Lyle Jeakins


  • Southern Ontario Glider Group Inc. — “SOGGI offers Flight Instruction for beginners. Our Instructors will help you to master the basic flying skills required for safe launches and landings. As you progress, we will teach you how to find and use thermal lift, to achieve extended flight times.”
  • Model Aeronautics Association of Canada — “MAAC is the non-profit organisation that brings together model airplane enthusiasts of all kinds from across Canada. From flying just for fun to world class competition, we provide a common theme of safety and general operations that is shared by the hundreds of member clubs across the country.”

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Lyle Jeakins

After a long absence, I got back into R/C Sailplanes about eight years ago. I belong to SOGGI, a small club that specializes in launching and flying sailplanes.