Silent Arrow® Production Ramps Up

An update on the story we have been covering since February, 2021.


LOS ANGELES, August 25, 2022 —Chip Yates, the founder and CEO of Silent Arrow, recently told the New RC Soaring Digest that another production run of 15 GD-2000 autonomous cargo gliders had been completed and shipped. Units from this most recently completed production run are being deployed to locations and missions in the Middle East, the United Kingdom, Serbia and Germany directly from Silent Arrow’s California-based manufacturing facilities.

When asked for his comment about the status of the program so far, Yates said:

“I’m really proud of this humble team. And in particular, I’m proud of the fact that Silent Arrow has been funded by friends, family and most importantly, customer revenues. While other, high profile startups burn venture capital funding, we build and fly!”

When questioned asked about what the future holds for the Silent Arrow program and the units being shipped, Yates said in a quote exclusive to New RCSD:

One unit is going to a US manufacturing facility we are setting up for mass production here in the States, another few are going to the UK and Serbia to be used as training tools to set up mass production in Europe, some are going to the Middle East to fly missions, and some are being used to qualify new deployment aircraft — large military transport aircraft other than the C-130 by undergoing drop tests in the US and Europe.

We’ll continue to follow this story which represents one of a very limited number of successful commercial uses of autonomous glider technology.

©2022 The New RC Soaring Digest Staff


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