“The GD-2000 glider is released from a C-27J airplane at Yuma Proving Grounds, Ariz. On February 13, 2023.” (credit: US Department of Defense, 1st Special Forces Group (Airborne) in the Public Domain)

Silent Arrow® Successfully Tested by US Special Forces

Recently declassified material reports test program conducted at United States Army Yuma Proving Ground in Arizona.


The US Army’s 1st Special Forces Group (Airborne) successfully tested the Silent Arrow® GD-2000 autonomous delivery glider in February of this year according to recently declassified material released by the US Department of Defense.

A Special Forces detachment commander, whose team tested the glider, said that “what this glider does is give us a much greater [travel distance] and a much greater glide ratio into a target.” The commander went on to say “if we are able to get [the glider] up to 40,000 feet we’re looking at [travel distances] in excess of 25 to 30 miles. That’s a pretty unique capability and not matched by anything we currently have.”

This autonomous cargo glider program had its origins in a request from the US Marine Corps to address some limitations of the existing Joint Precision Air Drop System (JPADS) which is based on steerable parachutes. The JPADS system is larger in size and has limited ability to manoeuvre — this makes it less accurate over long distances or in adverse weather conditions and in particular high winds.

Left: “Soldiers from 1st Special Forces Group (Airborne) and the United States Army Special Operations Command Flight Detachment load the GD-2000 glider into a C-27J airplane at Yuma Proving Grounds, Ariz. On February 13, 2023” | Right: “Soldiers from 1st Special Forces Group (Airborne) recover the GD-2000 glider after its landing at Yuma Proving Grounds, Ariz. On February 13, 2023.” (credit: US Department of Defense, 1st Special Forces Group (Airborne), Sgt. Thoman Johnson in the Public Domain)

Implementation of the Silent Arrow® will result in enhanced capabilities of the Special Forces detachments deployed through varied and restrictive terrain. Timely and accurate resupply is imperative to the success of combat operations. Notably, the Silent Arrow® is completely disposable once on the ground, allowing it to be left in denied or contested territory without compromising the security of the Soldiers receiving the supplies.

“[The glider] gives us the ability to drop this from a plane outside of controlled airspace into international air space and fly resupply in from an unmanned autonomous craft. It’s a huge enhancement to the mission” the Special Forces commander said.

In the test program the Silent Arrow® delivered a 1,000-pound test payload after being airdropped from a C-27J Spartan aircraft. During several drops, the glider landed within 30 meters of its intended target and the hull of the aircraft was still intact and protected the cargo inside.

The New RC Soaring Digest will continue to provide updates on this innovative program as well as other initiatives where RC soaring technology is employed to address both commercial civilian and military requirements.



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