I ended up with a cup holder, a place for sticks and places to keep glues pointed down for ready use.

Simple Glue Holder

Get out of a sticky situation.

Tom Broeski
3 min readJul 1, 2022


It seems that it takes a long time for the glue to get to the end of the bottle once it gets below half full especially when it’s cold. I’ve dealt with this for years and used to just stand and wait. I figured I’d share what I finally came up with that works great and saves a lot of time waiting for glue.

I just took a scrape block of wood and drilled some holes in it. This was a really well used scrap. The end result was as pictured above in the key photo. Really very handy if you are a builder. I have a couple of different ones around the shop made from scrap, as shown below.

Do your own design and make building easier (or just a bit faster). Note: Make sure your glue tops are on tight. I don’t store glue this way. I just use it when I’m working on something.

Always Wear Sunscreen

Given the brevity of my main tip for this month, I have a bonus tip which is timely given it’s high summer up here in the Northern Hemisphere. No, not just to wear sunscreen (but that is a good idea, of course) but also if you want to get the tape residue off of your wings and canopy/nose and you don’t have any solvent with you. Sunscreen works great. Most sunscreens have solvents in them — acetone being a common one. Just rub some on with a paper towel or rag and you end up with a nice clean surface (and UV protected?)

Before and after using sunscreen.

Enjoy the summer!

©2022 Tom Broeski

All images are by the author. Check out all of Tom’s Tips here in the New RC Soaring Digest. Read the next article in this issue, return to the previous article in this issue or go to the table of contents. A PDF version of this article, or the entire issue, is available upon request.

