Readers may recall the very first instalment of The Trailing Edge, back in January of 2021, featured a beautiful and touching photo by Régis Geledan. We’re so pleased to be able to feature the work of Régis once again in The Trailing Edge — a beautiful wintry shot from les Hautes-Pyrénées in southern France.

The Trailing Edge

February is a really, really short month.


As we have mentioned before, in 2021 we dedicated ourselves to creeping forward our release date each month with the goal of eventually getting new issues into the hands of our readers by the first of each month. We’re pleased that this is the fourth month in a row where we have managed to deliver on that commitment. However, you’ll forgive us if we are brief because the two or three days February is missing most years really puts a crimp in things. For instance, our monthly mailing of our Lift over Drag newsletter fell victim to the brutal schedule. But never fear, it will be back next month. There are also a couple of additional casualties in our various continuing series, but they’ll be back in the next issue as well.

We hope you have enjoyed this month’s issue, particularly our new Clubs feature to which we hope you’ll consider contributing. Also, don’t forget our Events calendar as well — we’re only too happy to include your events there, as well. See the navigation bar, above, for ready access to both of these.

Now excuse us while we pay some bills…

Featured in the RCSD Shop

The Dodgson Designs Licensed Logo T-Shirt

We are proud that through an exclusive arrangement with Bob and Sandy Dodgson, we are offering The Dodgson Designs Licensed Logo T-Shirt. If you have ever built or flown one of Bob’s classic designs, or even if you’re just a fan of his work, this is one item you will want to add to your collection. It’s through your support of the RCSD Shop that we manage to provide all this great, commercial-free content. We are so thankful to Bob and Sandy for their level of commitment to RCSD’s success.

Make Sure You Don’t Miss the New Issue

If you don’t want to miss the April issue of the New RC Soaring Digest — coming out, no foolin’, on April Fool’s Day — make sure you subscribe to our mailing list or connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or LinkedIn. And please share RCSD with your friends — we would love to have them as readers, too.

That’s it for this month! Thanks again to all of our contributors and above all, thank you, the RCSD reader — without you, we’re nothing.

Now get out there and fly!

©2022 The NEW RC Soaring Digest Staff

Read the previous article or go to the table of contents. A PDF version of this article, or the entire issue, is available upon request.

