RChain enables vertical and horizontal bi-directional expansion.

Darryl Neudorf
Published in
4 min readNov 14, 2020

Rholang Chinese Community 10/19

English Translation from Dimworm’s Chinese article originally published Oct 10

Vertical scaling refers to the fact that by increasing the hardware computing resources of each node, the processing power of the blockchain can be increased accordingly.

Horizontal scaling refers to the fact that by increasing the number of nodes, the processing power of the blockchain can be increased accordingly.

For blockchain that supports smart contracts, vertical scaling is a difficult thing, take Ethernet as an example, EVM can only virtualize 1 core of the CPU to use, resulting in a big waste of node hardware resources.EVM can only support sequential computing, not concurrent computing, so Ethernet does not have the ability to scale vertically.

Horizontal scaling is a frequently discussed blockchain scaling solution, and the main technical solution is fragmentation. Generally speaking, the growth in the number of nodes within the same sharding can only bring higher security and not increased processing power. Not only can it not be higher, on the contrary, more nodes will only make the blockchain slower. But RChain breaks that curse.

On October 15, Greg announced on Twitter that RChain verified scalability in both vertical and horizontal directions. This has quite a bit of significance for the blockchain industry.

Greg posted a DAG diagram of 10 nodes and issued blocks and validation. He then explained.

Greg says: RChain enables bi-directional scaling in a way that other blockchains can’t and aren’t even planned for in their development technology roadmaps.

At Thursday’s Community Debrief, Nutzipper demonstrated the results of his validation. He ran up 10 Rnode nodes on a 96-core cpu server at Google cloud and was able to run all 96 cores full when those nodes started working.

Rholang, RChain’s proprietary smart contract language designed for concurrency, is the key to RChain’s ability to scale vertically. And CBC-Casper is the key to RChain’s ability to scale horizontally.

I’ll simplify the whole process with an example: a node has 20 CPUs, one of which is used to get out blocks, in which case the

When there are only two nodes, each node has one CPU for out-blocks, one CPU for verifying its own out-blocks, and one CPU for verifying other nodes’ out-blocks, so there will be three CPUs working, but there will be 17 CPUs idle.

As the number of nodes increases from 2 to 20, the number of CPUs per node used for validation increases. The number of CPUs used for out-blocking the entire blockchain is also increasing. So the overall processing power can be increased accordingly. Since verification can be done concurrently, adding more nodes allows all nodes to make full use of their computing resources.

In the above figure, the horizontal coordinate shows the increase in the number of nodes and the vertical coordinate shows the number of CPUs used per node.

When the number of nodes increases from 20 to 30, the processing power cannot be increased accordingly because all the computational resources of a single node are already fully utilized. For a single node, there are no more resources to devote to the verification work. At this point, in order to further increase the processing power, a fragmentation scheme is needed.


愁虫 Rholang中文社区 10/19








在本周四的社区Debrief上,Nutzipper 演示了他的验证结果。他在Google cloud的一台96核cpu的服务器上,跑起10个Rnode节点,当这些节点开始工作时,能够把所有96核全部跑满。







