RChain Newsletter — October 2020

Darryl Neudorf
RChain Cooperative
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3 min readNov 19, 2020

Tech update

RChain has been on MainNet since February 2020. Since that time, the network continues to advance towards our Mercury release. The team is currently implementing Last Finalized State and Block Merge. Earlier this week, they were able to demonstrate significant scaling performance! See this demonstration by Nutzipper.

Greg Meredith: “Now we have evidence that RChain scales by adding nodes. Here is a picture of the DAG created by a 10 node network. The nodes are able to propose and validate blocks concurrently. This scaling happens because of the combination of our version of CBC-Casper and the concurrent execution model of rholang and rspace. These architectural components fit together to deliver both vertical and horizontal scaling. As you add processors to a node, it gets faster, and as you add nodes to the network the whole network gets faster. This is what we promised. This is what we have delivered.”

Annual General Meeting (AGM) October 24th

2020 has been a big year for RChain — from launching MainNet in February to our recent exciting scaling demonstration last week as we approach block merge!

This year’s Annual General Meeting is October 24th and we will be voting on four Board of Director Nominees as well as one item of business.

RVote at the AGM!

2020 marks the first year that RChain will be using our own on‑chain voting DApp for our Annual General Meeting’s voting process!

Your vote, registered and verified on chain!

RChain Virtual Hackathon

RChain is hosting a virtual Hackathon in partnership with Code Tantra. It will be happening on November 7 and 8.

We are working on porting the open source chat software Zulip onto RChain. We are also refining our on‑chain voting DApp. The registration deadline is October 29th, 2020. Please visit https://rchain.coop/hackathon for more info.​


Coop member Raphael has released Dappy’s source code. It is now publicly accessible and auditable. The Dappy network is a public and decentralized alternative to the legacy web and DNS system. The system is backed by blockchain technology and offers superior levels of trust, integrity and security than those of legacy web.

For more information on DAppy, click here.

Thank-you so much to our incredibly hard-working development team, staff, coop members and wider community around the world for continuing to support RChain’s vision and progress.

More is coming soon….

