Let’s Accelerate the Accelerator

RCL Accelerator
RCL Accelerator Blog
3 min readFeb 21, 2018
Cristo Pajust — Head of RCL Accelerator

Only a few weeks as Head of Accelerator, Cristo Pajust already has plans to shake up River City Labs Accelerator (RCL-A) and expand it aggressively over the next few years.

His international experience in applying scalable actionables to startups, gives current and future RCL-A cohorts valuable takeaways when it comes to being a part of one of QLD’s most successful Accelerator Programs.

Cristo admits his direction and advice will be firm as Head of Accelerator, “It’s very simple, you enter into an accelerator to be pushed hard into fast-tracking your startup. My theory of Accelerating the Accelerator comes from the fast pace attitude of just getting things done. In the international world of Startups, there is no time to slow down” explains Cristo.

In an interview, Cristo speaks about his plans for RCL-A and what differentiates between RCL-A to other Accelerators.

Q. What is your plan moving forward for RCL-A?

I’m seeing lots of opportunities in Australia and have ambition to grow the accelerator far beyond its current capacity. Today’s accelerators need to have greater impact than just to their immediate surroundings or location they were founded. I’m excited to explore options for collaboration nationwide and keen to create new synergies throughout the whole wider region. The Program will grow in terms of size, quality, reach and value.

Q. With your international experience in scaling a venture, how will you help the cohorts (current and new) in achieving this?

In my experience, expansion is all about the mindset and takes bravery to go after markets or clients that you can serve better than current alternatives ever will. Timing is crucial and needs to be right. Making sure to ask the right questions, planting a seed of ambition early on in the program and inspire the cohort (s) to take the next step when the opportunity presents itself.

Q. What is the difference between RCL-A to other Accelerators? (how do you differentiate? )

To be frank, there are too many accelerators around and therefore, naturally lots of noise in the market. Today we differentiate the Accelerator through the River City Labs brand and the credibility it lends. But In order to truly stand out, we need to find our own unique voice and way of creating value that founders understand and appreciate.

Real accelerators take founders to the journey that is growth-driven (and time to time even painful). At the end of the day accelerators exist to push founders to reach their highest potential fast. The latter can be measured only in successes we facilitate. It is my wish to reach a confident level that’s based on our track-record of allowing us to predict and guarantee set outcomes.

The RCL Accelerator’s current cohort #BNE3 will complete their program in April 2018 with their Demo Day taking place at Myriad in Brisbane on May 17th 2018. The next cohort, #BNE4 will commence in June 2018 with applications opening in March 2018. To pre-register your interest please email ellie@rivercitylabs.net



RCL Accelerator
RCL Accelerator Blog

Brisbane based tech startup accelerator, powered by muru-D