Announcing Uniswap Listing

The protocol allows you to instantly exchange RCN and access new currencies on the Credit Marketplace!

RCN Blog
2 min readSep 27, 2019


With more than 60 listed tokens and 17.9 million USD in locked value, Uniswap stands as one of the leading DEXs.
With more than 60 listed tokens and 17.9 million USD in locked value, Uniswap stands as one of the leading DEXs.

Today RCN is excited to announce that the RCN token has already been listed on the automated exchange protocol Uniswap, allowing a wide array of ERC 20 tokens to be used for lending, borrowing and collateralizing loans on the Credit Marketplace.

With more than 60 listed tokens and 17.9 million USD in total value locked, Uniswap currently stands as one of the leading Decentralized Exchanges (DEXs). Thanks to its on-chain liquidity pools system, its users can instantly exchange ETH and ERC 20 tokens without using order books or needing an account. On top of that, its 0.3% fee guarantees some of the most efficient swapping transactions on the DeFi ecosystem.

The first tokens to be listed thanks to Uniswap’s integration will be the DAI and USDC stablecoins. In addition, the exchange protocol will also provide liquidity for the already available currencies on the RCN Credit Marketplace.

Exchange RCN on Uniswap!

Besides enabling new listings, Uniswap allows you to exchange RCN in 4 simple steps!

Instantly exchange RCN without using order books or needing an account.
Instantly exchange RCN without using order books or an account.
  • Access the Uniswap Exchange.
  • Log into your Metamask wallet, click on “Connect” and authorize the operation.
  • Choose the currency you want to exchange RCN for and the input or output amount.
  • Click on “Swap”, approve the Metamask transaction and enjoy your new funds!

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RCN Blog

RCN ( is an open global credit network that connects lenders, borrowers and originators on the blockchain to create borderless loan markets.