Introducing A New Loan Detail

RCN Blog
Published in
2 min readOct 20, 2020

There’s a new way to check all your loans’ relevant data, including their terms, status, repayment schedule, history and more!

Say hi to the New Loan Detail!
Say hi to the New Loan Detail!

The Credit Marketplace’s Loan Detail has been upgraded, bringing a new way to check all your loans’ relevant data! From the main terms and status to the repayment schedule and history, the new minimalist design seeks to improve user experience by pairing related variables together and organizing all the information by hierarchy. This allows the overall look and feel to be smoother without losing information, while reducing friction in the use of the different components.

The Loan Detail’s iteration was inspired by intensive user-testing, which found that the previous version lacked a proper information distribution and presented too many variables at the same time, making it harder to interpret them. This insight drove an entire redefinition of both its aesthetic and functional aspects, which can be appreciated in all its updated components.

The new Loan Detail has a smoother look and feel!
The new Loan Detail has a smoother look and feel!

The new information hierarchy places key variables together on the upper-left side of the Detail, allowing them to be visualized at first glance. These include the Borrow and Repay amounts, the Annual Rate and the Schedule, together with a simple visualization of the last one. This key information section also includes more specific data that the user can access clicking on the “More Details” box, including the Penalty Rate and the Borrower, Loan and Oracle’s respective addresses. Finally, the Payment Status’ variables, including the Repaid and Outstanding amounts, can also be seen in a card to the right.

The next section in the information hierarchy is set below the first one and is divided into three subsections, which vary slightly depending on whether the Detail belongs to a DeFI or CeFi loan. These subsections are called Borrower (which provides additional data about the debtor), Instalments (which offers an in-depth break-down of the repayment Schedule) and Collateral (which presents several key variables, including the Collateral Amount, Collateral Ratio and Liquidation Price, among others).

At the very bottom the Loan Detail is finally completed with the Loan History section, which provides a record of every action performed on the loan from its original request to its final repayment.

You can check all of these changes by yourself in any loan, including this example.

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