RCN July 2021 Recap

From the new liquidity pool in Uniswap V3 to Solidity upgrade, here are all the updates from the past month.

RCN Blog
2 min readAug 10, 2021


Say hi to a new RCN Monthly Recap!
Say hi to a new RCN Monthly Recap!

July’s over! Last month saw a new liquidity pool on Uniswap V3, the upgrade to Solidity v.0.8.0 and the implementation of Open Zeppelin libraries. Here are the latest news!

New Liquidity Pools

Last month RCN opened new liquidity pools on Quickswap and Uniswap V3 for the ETH/RCN pair. These are additional options that users have beyond USDC/RCN and ETH/RCN pools already available on Uniswap V2. In fact, on Uniswap V3 everyone can swap tokens or share market-making strategies while enjoying the new features this new version has.

Among Uniswap V3’s advantages that users can immediately find is low slippage leverage by their capital efficiency of concentrated liquidity features, along with slightly cheaper fees to swap one token to another compared to V2. Also, if users want to enjoy costs considerably lower they can use Quickswap on the Polygon Network.

If you want to know more details about the pools you can check the publications below!

Solidity Upgrade & Open Zeppelin Libraries

During this month, RCN upgraded to Solidity v.0.8.0, using Open Zeppelin’s library and standard contracts v4.1.0. This represents an advantage because they’re fully audited following their high standards for code quality and security. Also, it was built and verified by the community, adding even more security, while it enjoys other qualities as easier implementation at lower costs.

Another helpful library was Open Zeppelin Test Helper, using Hardhat as a framework to run tests in different scenarios to make sure that the contracts work as expected. It provides different tools to check that the transactions revert for the correct reasons and the events were emitted with the correct values and also allows to simulate tests in the blockchain varying the time frame.

Thanks to these improvements RCN reached a 93.93% Code Coverage. This means the percentage of code that was tested checking their specific features, as you can see here. On top of that, Linter tools were used on both Javascript and Solidity code to ensure syntax, style coherence and best practices.

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RCN Blog

RCN (rcn.finance) is an open global credit network that connects lenders, borrowers and originators on the blockchain to create borderless loan markets.