Speeding Up: Q1 Recap

From the protocol’s upcoming version and its new SDK to the project’s partnership with Messari, here are all the last quarter’s updates.

RCN Blog
4 min readApr 26, 2019


Q1 Recap includes progress on Diaspore’s development, the release of Marmo SDK and RCN’s listing on Messari.
Q1 Recap includes progress on Diaspore’s development, the release of Marmo SDK and RCN’s listing on Messari.

March is over and with it Q1 has come to an end! For RCN the year’s first quarter was full of work, reached milestones, fresh ideas and new directions in every front, from Development and Product to Design and Communications. Here are the latest news!

RCN v4 Diaspore

The RCN v4 Engine -codename “Diaspore”- is here! RCN’s first stable release, whose development was completed during Q1, incorporates a modular structure that assigns each one of the protocol’s features its own smart-contract. This improves the system’s performance and scalability potential and enables the integration of new functions, such as collateral-backed loans and multi-lender to multi-borrower debt products. In addition, the new Engine will allow debtors to repay their loans in installments, increasing the flexibility of their payments scheme.

Diaspore will finish its auditing process and be merged to the protocol’s mainnet during Q2, with the new features becoming gradually available on the dApp.

dApp’s UX/UI

The dApp’s interface is being updated to improve its User Experience. The new Sign-In user flow will incorporate more information about crypto funds management with Metamask’s wallet, in order to ease the lending process for first-time users. Similarly, the new checkout phase will improve the user’s understanding of the lending transaction before it is confirmed.

Marmo SDK

Say hello to Marmo!

Q1 saw the birth of Marmo, an open-source SDK that simplifies interactions with the Ethereum network by abstracting some of its core characteristics while maintaining trustlessness and security.

Marmo’s smart-contracts have successfully completed an exhaustive security audit by Zeppelin and have already been deployed on mainnet. In addition, Marmo’s library is already available in Java, Javascript and Python.

Further development will include the final deployment of an operative Relayer and the completion of the SDK’s Documentation. Once it is completed, Marmo will provide the foundations for the development of the RCN SDK.


The RCN API is being enhanced to provide the RCN developer community with new tools, including the ability to access loan data without having to interact with smart-contracts, which increases the speed of the process.

RCN’s New Website

RCN is getting a new look! The website is being completely revamped to better reflect the current state of the project and its future milestones.

The website will better reflect the project’s current state and future milestones.

In addition to renewed aesthetics, the update includes more specific information for and about RCN Creditors, Originators and the rest of the network’s stakeholders, including detailed diagrams of the protocol’s use cases and the loans’ properties and life cycle.

The new website will be online soon. Stay tuned!

2019 Event Calendar

For RCN, 2019 will be full of reached milestones and fresh ideas that deserve to be shared across the world. From South America and Europe to Asia and Oceania, the project will be present at dozens of finance, fintech and blockchain top-tier events.

The year’s event calendar was kick-started at Sidney, Australia, with EDCON, a six-day immersion in the latest trends and ideas from the forefront of Ethereum innovation. With a big focus on Ethereum 2.0 and different proposals for increasing scalability, some of the event’s most discussed topics included sharding, Casper Protocol, sidechains, Plasma Chains and ZKRollup.

RCN’s event tour will continue in Q2. Expect more announcements soon!

EDCON made a big focus on Ethereum 2.0 and different proposals for increasing scalability.

RCN Listing on Messari

During February RCN was listed on the transparency-focused crypto database Messari, becoming part of its Disclosures Registry. Founded by Ryan Selkis and Dan McArdle, the company builds data tools designed to provide the blockchain ecosystem with better and more reliable information about its projects.

RCN’s addition to Messari’s database represents an important accomplishment to the project’s continuous efforts for offering the highest standards of transparency, and provides the basis for a fruitful cooperation relationship between the two entities.

The RCN’s information page can be accessed here.

Next in Q2

The year’s second quarter is already here and work continues! From the new web’s release to the final deployment of Diaspore’s new features, Q2 will be full of new completed milestones in every area.

Stay tuned for more exciting news to come in the following months!

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RCN Blog

RCN (rcn.finance) is an open global credit network that connects lenders, borrowers and originators on the blockchain to create borderless loan markets.