The Comprehensive Guide to RCRDSHP Artifacts

Past, present and future for all currently available artifacts including never before revealed utility

Obie Fernandez
25 min readMay 27, 2022


RCRDSHP is arguably the first platform to include artifacts along with the NFT-backed music collectibles that get dropped in our packs. We’ve been pretty secretive about artifact utility, at most teasing at intended functionality right up to the point of revealing it. The results of this approach have been mixed, to say the least. While our intention was to make things fun, the lack of information (or the teasing itself) sometimes caused players to speculate wildly on the value of artifacts on the secondary market, to their detriment.

RCRDSHP is now over a year old as a company, and we’re closing in on the anniversary of our first drop. With the recent, massive influx of new players, we have decided to take a different approach to artifact utility. This approach is much more open and transparent, so that the player community has the information that they need to value artifacts more realistically.

Thus, the following long-form blog post is meant to describe the utility of as many of the RCRDSHP artifacts as possible. Note that artifacts produced by creators other than RCRDSHP are not included.

Current utility is flagged with a ✅ mark. In cases where utility is still pending (flagged with a ⏳), we’ll do our best to describe the plan and include a rough estimate on when it will be shipped. Failed or withdrawn utility is indicated with an ❌ . The history of some of the artifacts and thinking behind their design is provided when possible. Cards appear roughly in the order that they were dropped in packs.

🚨 Warning: This blog post contains spoilers and potential market-moving information, including utility-related disclosures that have never been revealed publicly, or even discussed privately in our Discord community. 🚨

GENESIS You Were Here Card

In retrospect, this “proof of attendance”-style collectible probably should have been classified as a moment instead of an artifact. Still, it’s a notable piece of RCRDSHP history that was tucked into every one of the 5,555 original ‘Genesis Drop 1’ packs dropped on August 17, 2021, the date of our first drop.

Planned Utility

The intention was to eventually allow players to redeem this card (without burning it) in order to claim a RCRDSHP T-shirt. We hope to fulfill this intention as soon as feasible. ⏳

The written portion of the card (pictured in the middle face above) also led many players to believe that holding this card would give them access to early information about upcoming features. That kind of thing sounds cool in theory, but as we found out the hard way, giving certain groups of players early information would not just prove difficult to manage, but often lead to accusations of unfairness and insider trading. That made this particular utility a conundrum wrapped up in a collectible. ❌

The first and still one of the most valuable pack drops on RCRDSHP: ‘Genesis Drop 1

Genesis Artifacts

Besides the above-mentioned ‘You Were Here’ card, three more artifacts were included in the ‘Genesis Drop 1’ pack drop on August 17, 2021 when we launched the platform. The pack itself was unique in terms of the variety of card designs it contained: five slots drawing from 145 different card designs.

The ‘Lost Flip Flop’

Lost flip flops are a staple of summer music festivals, often the victims of mud and drunkenness. On RCRDSHP, the ‘Lost Flip Flop’ artifact was meant to be eventually used in a player challenge in concert with another card design that was never produced. You could say that it got lost in the chaos of our launch month. That said, the current utility of the Lost Flip Flop makes it an essential asset for the committed low serial hunter.

Equip the ‘Lost Flip Flop’ in your hand or burn it to your profile to enable disclosure of which of a card design’s low serial numbers are still in packs. It also tells you if you can find those low serial numbers either in a current pack drop or secondary market. ✅

Note that the rare ‘Extraordinary Insight’ card also provides this utility as part of its enhancements.

‘Bottle of Beer’ and ‘Put Your Fucking Hands Up!!!’

The other two artifacts in the first ‘Genesis’ pack drop were intended to be vehicles for delivering in-real-life utility to holders at RCRDSHP-branded events. As the realities and operational costs of running the RCRDSHP platform became clear, we realized that our hopes of hosting RCRDSHP parties around the world were not going to happen anytime soon.

We have not given up on hosting parties, nor on making these cards valuable. In fact, the 2023 feature roadmap for RCRDSHP includes a new mobile app intended for use by venues and event promoters to allow redemption of QR codes included inside of collectibles as burnable faces. We will be able to dynamically insert faces into collectibles like these with interesting and valuable perks. ⏳

For example, the ‘Bottle of Beer’ should eventually give holders the ability to redeem a free bottle of beer anytime they attend a RCRDSHP-affiliated club events around the world. ‘Put Your Fucking Hands Up!!!’ should eventually give holders a stream of free and/or discounted offers related to RCRDSHP-affiliated festivals around the world. ⏳

The ‘Genesis Mini Pack’ contained eight artifacts

Fire Cards for Burning/Mixers for Mixing

Burning and mixing are such fundamental topics on RCRDSHP that they each have their own instructional guides. Since this blog post is already so long, we’ll skip detailed descriptions of the following artifacts here.

Burning Artifacts: ‘Lighter’, ‘Matchbook’, and ‘Late Night Pizza
Mixing: outcomes and massing

You can learn more about the thinking behind these features in the blog posts that originally introduced them:

The ‘Bouncer(s)’

These cards were always intended as a way for players to control the behavior of other players. Currently, the ‘Bouncer’ (and the ‘Clicker’) is serving a temporary, limited-capacity function as the key to enabling visibility of how many packs are left in a drop. ✅

A peek at unreleased ‘Bouncer’ cards

Once we turn our attention to player profiles in late 2022, we’re planning to let you use the ‘Bouncer’ card to unlock functionality related to privacy controls — who can see your showcase, your listings, and even the contents of your collection. ⏳


The original ‘Bouncer’ concept is probably one of the more outlandish ideas that I (Obie, CEO & Founder of RCRDSHP) have come up with. As I’ve mentioned from time to time in various settings, one of my long-term visions is to develop a role-playing game that simulates elements of rave, club, and festival life. The ‘Bouncer’ was supposed to be one of the first stabs at that kind of functionality, allowing the holder to volunteer as security for pack drops, and be paid in free packs.

Wait, security for a drop? What does that even mean? It literally means that when trying to buy a pack drop, players would have to queue and wait their turn to speak to one of the ‘Bouncers’ guarding the door — another RCRDSHP player role-playing the part. Our software would give the ‘Bouncer’ player vital information about the prospective drop buyer: how much of their player profile they’ve filled out (if any), contents of their collection, purchase history, what country they’re visiting from—that kind of thing. Players that were obviously legitimate regulars would be welcome and let through. If anything made you seem like a hacker or someone not that invested in the success of the platform for whatever reason, however, then sorry, you can’t get into the club… I mean, the drop. ❌

I’m still holding out hope we can have a role-playing game attached to RCRDSHP someday. ⏳

The ‘Clicker’

You can’t be an effective bouncer without a clicker. This tool lets personnel staffing the door keep track of how many people have entered the venue. That’s information that comes in really handy when, for instance, the fire marshal shows up ready to shut down your party.

Currently you can equip the ‘Clicker’ in your hand or burn it to your profile in order to always see how many packs are left in a drop. ✅

History and Future

The intention for the ‘Clicker’ was to unlock functionality allowing you to track statistics related to your profile. The idea is that if you have a ‘Clicker’, you can see how many people have visited your profile and listings. ⏳

The ‘+1s’

The ‘+1’ cards dropped with the ‘WFU Pack’ in September 2021. These UNO-inspired collectibles were designed to be used in multiple situations, and as potential playing cards in future online games involving RCRDSHP collectibles. ⏳

At the moment +1 cards have only one publicly known function, which is to refill the Genesis Lighter back to 60 burns using the mixer.

At the moment, ‘+1’ cards have only one publicly known function, which is to refill the ‘Genesis Lighter’ back to sixty burns using the ‘Mixer’. ✅


During the first few months of RCRDSHP drops, it was common for drops containing many thousands of packs to sell out in just a few minutes. One of the prime motivations for the original ‘+1’ cards was to use them together with guest list and VIP collectibles to let you buy more than one pack at a time. ❌

Unfortunately, the implementation of multiple purchases was so much harder than expected. It took longer to implement than the period of time during which we were selling pack drops out almost instantly (note that one of the reasons that RCRDSHP and most other NFT platforms don’t have the concept of a shopping cart or being able to purchase more than one NFT at a time is that the blockchain-related technical challenges involved are ridiculously difficult).

There’s one more detail about the ‘+1’ cards worth mentioning. They were included in the airdropped ‘WFU Pack’ in varying amounts, depending on how many oversold packs the recipient had missed out on. That means that the ‘WFU Packs’ you can buy in our secondary market have a variable number of cards in them.

The ‘Secret Handshake’ Cards

Equipping one of the ‘Secret Handshake’ cards in your hand allows you to quickly purchase cards off of the Marketplace using your account balance, and it hides your name in the #get-it-real-time Discord channel. ✅

In order for this card to work, you must have sufficient funds in your account balance to cover the cost of the card you wish to purchase. Our recent integration with Dapper Wallet means that most players can’t top-up their RCRDSHP balance with crypto or a credit card anymore, so for the time being the only way to have a RCRDSHP balance is by selling items in our marketplace. As we more fully integrate with Dapper Wallet, the current utility of this card may need to be fully deprecated, although we will do our best to replace it with something equally cool. 🚨

RCRDSHP Credit Card

This rare artifact is periodically airdropped to trusted active players to allow them to continue using credit card topups instead of forcing them to use Dapper Wallet. Feel that you deserve one? Make sure your account is verified and then talk to the Support team.

Membership has privileges

The ‘Fashionably Late’ Card

This card was dropped in the ‘What the House?!’ pack in October 2021 and has since been involved in a number of mixing challenges. ✅


The original idea for this card was drawn from the fact that RCRDSHP’s initial drops sold out in mere minutes, leading many players (even some of our most hardcore ones) to miss out on getting even one pack. We figured that we could reserve a hundred packs per drops and let players equipped with the ‘Fashionably Late’ card buy them at their leisure at normal retail price even after the pack had sold out. Once most packs stopped selling out immediately, the purpose of this card had to change. ❌

‘Guest List’ and ‘VIP Access’ Cards

These cards are intended to give you special access to online and offline events. ‘Guest List’ was dropped in the ‘Genesis Mini Pack’ in August 2021 and ‘VIP Access’ was dropped in ‘Genesis Jumbo Pack’ in September 2021.

Planned Utility

SPOILER ALERT! These cards will provide their stated utility to all RCRDSHP-hosted or sponsored events. ✅ We also plan to incentivize RCRDSHP creators to make the utility of these cards available at their own events. ⏳


While the utility of these cards was always somewhat self-evident, their original function was to help us deal with the crush of players buying out thousands of packs during our initial drops in mere minutes. The idea was that holding ‘Guest List’ (this was pre-hand) would give you immediate, preferred access to the drop and the prime pack serial numbers (this also pre-dated full randomization). ❌

‘VIP Access’ was intended to give holders not only preferred early access to the drop, but also access to pack add-ons and rare versions. It’s another case of an overly ambitious idea that went by the wayside once the initial RCRDSHP hype cycle and near-instant sellouts stopped. ❌

The ‘Cash Machine’ Cards

The original ‘Cash Machine’ cards dropped in the ‘Genesis Mini Pack ‘in August 2021.

Probably still some of the most undervalued artifacts on all of RCRDSHP

Planned Utility

SPOILER ALERT! RCRDSHP will soon be debuting a system of staking and stakeholder rewards that lets players prove their fandom. The ‘Cash Machine’ will allow players to yield not only for their favorite artists, but also for themselves. It’s not at the top of the priority list, but the fundamental building blocks are already in place. We expect to roll out this functionality by the end of 2022. ⏳


The original idea for the ‘Cash Machine’ is that if a player wanted to withdraw some or all of their RCRDSHP balance, they would first need to verify (KYC) in order for us to issue them a RCRDSHP virtual debit card.

Once equipped with a debit card, you would need to visit the public profile of a player that was showcasing one of these cards. The owner of the ‘Cash Machine’ would need to keep it stocked with money and be allowed to set a coin-based fee on withdrawals, kind of like how ATMs work in real life.

Work on the idea involved a lot of detailed design work.

The idea was overambitious, to say the least. Even though it was done in parallel with KYC and manual withdrawal implementation, given the amount of drama surrounding the issue, we decided to officially scrap the program in October 2021. ❌

The Jakob Haglof Artifacts

The ‘Jakob Haglof’ set is full of artifacts, and represents RCRDSHP’s first foray into non-music collectibles featuring custom illustrated artwork by a named illustrator. Haglof artifacts were dropped in many different packs in September and October 2021 including ‘Genesis Jumbo’, ‘Genesis Base 2’, ‘Flow Fest’, and ‘What the House?!’ Some of them have been described already, and here are the rest.

‘Peace’, ‘Love’, ‘Unity’, and ‘Respect’

The concept of Peace, Love, Unity, and Respect (P.L.U.R.) was first introduced to the nascent underground rave scene in the USA by DJ Frankie Bones and his brother Adam X back in the 1990s. Interestingly enough, the term was originally Peace Love Unity Movement (P.L.U.M.), but “Respect” was added later on after a fight broke out at a Storm Rave party.

Even though over three thousand ‘Respect’ cards were minted, due to difficulties related to ‘Flow Fest’ packs, over 2/3 of the supply are still locked up in packs that were never distributed. At the time of the writing of this article, only 727 copies are held by RCRDSHP players.

One of the ways we honor our raver roots at RCRDSHP

These four artifacts can be mixed together to craft a deluxe rarity ‘P.L.U.R.’ card that gives the holder unlimited gifting abilities. ✅

To prevent abuse of the platform only verified accounts can gift, and if you don’t have the ‘P.L.U.R.’ card equipped to your hand, you can only create a gift once per day. If you’re wondering why we limit gifting, remember that even though gifting is probably positive in terms of user growth for RCRDSHP, it also represents a way for bad actors to do off-platform transactions that circumvent the collection of artist commissions on sales.

Train Wreck

A train wreck is a term used by DJs to refer to an error in mixing, especially beatmatching. If you don’t line up two beat-oriented records properly, the resulting cacophony of clashing rhythms is not only damaging to ears, but also the DJs reputation.

We tucked this ‘Train Wreck’ card into RCRDSHP’s infamous airdropped ‘WFU (We Fucked Up) Packs’ after a bug in our system led us to oversell our second pack drop by a huge margin. In retrospect, this artifact could probably be reclassified as a moment since it has never had any intended utility.

The Genesis Jumbo Pack featured three artifact slots

The Drag Queen (Transcendence)

SPOILER ALERT! Early on in the history of our Discord, we hinted that some players may already be holding rare and legendary cards without knowing it. The mystery led to exciting speculation about why and how it might be possible for that to be the case.

The key to the mystery is the ‘Drag Queen’ card, dropped in September 2022 in the ‘Genesis Jumbo Pack’ along with its ‘Neon’ set companion the ‘Gas Mask’.

Mix a Drag Queen with a common card to make it fabulous!


Savvy players noticed that quite a few common cards were minted to below the 1,000 mint limit cutoff that determines whether a card is officially rare or not. Could it be possible to upgrade those somehow? That’s where the ‘Drag Queen’ comes in. Mix her with a common card to yield a synthetic rare that wasn’t born rare in its natural form, but was made special and unique via the process of transcendence. ⏳

Transcended synthetic rares from the ‘Genesis Magic Records’ set


The original idea for synthetic rares is that they would simply be “full bleed” like a natural rare, plus some extra “bling” indicating that they were transcended with the ‘Drag Queen’. And in the first few months after launch, relatively few common cards met the low mint-count qualification, so we felt confident about shipping the ‘Drag Queen’ feature relatively quickly, enough to hint about it in Discord. In fact, the feature is already supported technically by our software and the mixing table, and has been for months.

The hangup in delivering transcendence, as with many other features of this nature, is mostly operational. So much stuff happens every week at RCRDSHP that adding yet another difficult-to-explain feature never made it to the top of the Community team’s priority list.

The other operational challenge with this feature, specifically, is that as of 2022 we dropped the size of pack drops significantly, meaning that the vast majority of common cards minted these days would qualify for transcendence to synthetic rare status. The design work involved in making transcendence available to all cards meeting the mint count cutoff is prohibitive.

Given the amount of work that was invested into transcendence (and how cool a feature it is), we plan to flip the switch for it sometime in the next month, albeit only for a selection of about 300 common cards that were minted in 2021 packs. The upside is that it will serve as a way to enhance the value of these cards for many of our long-time players. We’ll also enable transcendence as a cool add-on feature that can opted into by self-serve creators when they are designing collectibles for themselves. ⏳

Other ‘Neon’ Artifacts

SPOILER ALERT! This set of neon-styled artifacts is all about your public appearance and behavior of your profile on RCRDSHP. Equip these cards to your hand or burn them to your profile to enable cool, profile-related functionality. Utility for all ‘Neon’ artifacts should be delivered before the end of 2022.

The ‘Gas Mask’ (already implemented) allows you to change your display name across all of RCRDSHP. It’s perfect for maintaining your anonymity or making a statement. ✅

‘Sunglasses’ enable a section on your public profile page showing a selection of featured listings that you have for sale. ⏳

‘Headphones’ enable a section on your public profile page that shows a playlist of your favorite owned tracks. The playlist is automatically populated based on your actual listening habits. Visitors that hit play on the playlist can stream the entire tracks featured regardless of whether they own the tracks themselves, not just previews. ⏳

‘Sneakers’ give you the option of adding a sidebar to your public profile with links to other players. ⏳

‘Gloves’ are used at raves to provide a light show that really wows the recipient. On RCRDSHP (okay, we know it’s a stretch) gloves give you the ability to change the color scheme of your public profile to whatever crazy colors you want. ⏳

‘Backpack’ gives you “extra storage” below your showcase. Equipping the card gives you eight extra hidden staking slots below your standard eight showcased ones. ⏳

Bartender Cards

These three beautifully illustrated cards dropped in ‘GENESIS Reprise’, the last “grab bag”-style pack drop of 2021. With our eyes on the imminent launch of mixing capabilities, we wanted to provide players with an artifact that would provide gameplay advice and secret mixing “recipes” either for free and/or when “tipped” with coins.

In practice, this was another case of our aspirations getting ahead of our engineering team and operational constraints. As the new year dawned, our schedule of weekly drops and challenges increased to the point where introducing any more mixing and recipes than those associated with established challenges was judged to be unwise. The ‘Bartender’ card’s functionality, likewise, was deprioritized in favor of features more directly linked to user growth.

Longtime RCRDSHP players may not realize that our mixing recipe system is capable of tremendously more functionality than what we’ve done with it. The intention was to fill it with easter eggs and secret mashups: all sorts of combinations to amaze and delight users lucky enough to stumble on them (or get help from a bartender).

We do expect to give the ‘Bartender’ its intended functionality once we open the ability to define mixing recipes to the general population of RCRDSHP creators, but there’s no defined timeline for doing so. ⏳

The ‘Extraordinary Insight’ Card

A thousand of these cards were minted, and a few hundred were airdropped for free to OGAF members in October of 2021. Another airdrop in May 2022 made sure that all current OGAF members had at least one copy of their own.

‘Extraordinary Insight’ holds the distinction of being the first ever rare rarity card on RCRDSHP. Equip this little bottle of acid in your hand or burn it to your player profile in order to give yourself way more data on the Analytics screen. You will be able to see several new fields like “Total Sales”, “Average Price”, and “Highest Sale”. But that’s not all! You will also be able to access the sales history for cards you own on the card page itself. ✅

Is that a bottle of LSD? Well yes, yes it is…

After equipping the card, the Analytics screen will look like this and contain a lot more data than the less-trippy version.

The ‘Stress Test’ Cards

Dropped in ‘Stress Test’ packs in September 2021, these little packs served as a scaling test for our servers. Players were encouraged to buy as many of them as possible as quickly as possible. We thought we might need more stress tests someday, but the results of the first one were so successful that we were able to work out our major performance issues very effectively.

The cards contained in the pack are player favorites. They will definitely elicit at least a raised eyebrow or chuckle from those of you familiar with raves and electronic music festivals, as well as the challenges they can bring.

From accidental reggaeton to alarming police activity, long-ass entry queues to the sudden absconding of your closest festival associates, our initial ‘Stress Test’ pack drop captures some of the most stressful events in the life of the electronic music fan. Each pack contains one out of nine cards in a closed ‘Stress Test’ set.


The custom art for the stress test cards was made by our own über-talented Byron Kalet, currently serving as RCRDSHP’s creative director. We were on a tight schedule, and he came up with a test pattern-based concept that really knocked my socks off. I only remember two pieces of feedback. The first was to make the bottom of the pink stripe a little narrower than the top on the ‘Bachelorette Party’ card. The other was to please redo the ‘Out of Toilet Paper’ design to more than just a rough brown stripe on a white background. In retrospect, it’s kind of funny that I had a problem with that one, but was totally fine with a pink dildo.

‘Stress Test’ Challenge

SPOILER ALERT! What very few people know is that there is a big ‘Stress Test’ mixing challenge that has been queued up and ready to go for months! The problem is, that all the chaotic energy going on at RCRDSHP we have not had time to fit the challenge into the operational schedule without negatively impacting weekly pack drops. The grand prize is an artifact with some of the most useful utility we’ve ever promised. ⏳

Wen stress test challenge?

The ‘Press Pass’

The ‘Press Pass’ is a legendary artifact, meaning it is extremely limited-edition (at most 100 mint) and carries real-world utility. If you’ve earned an airdrop of a ‘Press Pass’ by RCRDSHP — the only way to get it — it means we trust you with insider information that we expect you to share with the wider community via your own third -party channels: blog posts, podcasts, videos, tweets, etc. ⏳

The ‘Boombox’

The purpose of the ‘Boombox’ is to serve as a player for mixtapes and RCRDSHP-exclusive streaming radio stations. The initial BOOMBOX RADIO station is already live for holders. ✅

Implementation of the ‘Boombox’ cassette player and wide adoption of zero-coin mixtapes can be expected by late 2022 or early 2023.⏳


The card was minted to over 3,000 copies in the infamous ‘Flow Fest’ packs, which means that just like its slot sibling — the Jakob Haglof ‘Respect’ card — only about 800 are in circulation. The card was always meant to unlock some sort of extra listening experience that didn’t involve having to buy music, whether that was via promo mixtapes that can be passed around, or streaming radio stations.

Other Rhox Artifacts

Rhox is a one of RCRDSHP’s in-house designers who also works with household names like YouTube Music and Riot Games. He channels his passion for music and science fiction as the founder and curator of \\WAVES, a cross-disciplinary project that creates a visual gateway to music.

‘Listening Station’ is intended to someday unlock full (streaming-only) previews of music available for sale on RCRDSHP. It probably won’t be implemented until sometime in 2023. ⏳

‘Battery Pack’ is not currently available and does not have announced utility. We are only including it here as a teaser. 🤦🏻‍♂️

‘Lighter’ is not currently available either. It’s simply a new, refillable, Jakob Haglof-style lighter that will not be released until the supply of existing lighters becomes too scarce in relation to the size of the RCRDSHP player base. ️🔥

‘Sunglasses’ is available and has somewhat obscure utility that nevertheless can be super valuable to some hardcore RCRDSHP players, especially now that storefront owners randomly drop low serial numbers. Equipping it to your hand and connecting your player profile to Discord unlocks a private channel called #personal-column with a real-time feed of all marketplace listings, as they happen. ✅

This channel would be so much more useful if we included links to the marketplace listings⏳

Walkie Talkie

The ‘Walkie Talkie’ card dropped in the What the House?! pack in October 2021. Connect your Discord account in your Social Accounts settings and equip the ‘Walkie Talkie’ to your hand to unlock a secret #get-it-real-time Discord channel featuring real-time marketplace transactions. The updates include who bought, who sold, what collectible, what price, and price difference since the last sale. ✅

‘Lara’ Artifacts

Besides the aforementioned ‘Extraordinary Insight’ and ‘Matchbook’ cards, the ‘Lara’ set contains some extra weird ones: ‘Porta Potty’, ‘Water Bottle’, and ‘Antibacterial Gel’. The ‘Water Bottle’ was dropped in the ‘Genesis Jumbo’ pack, and the others were dropped in ‘Germania’!

The ‘Pristine Potty Challenge’, simulating the cleaning of a dirty potty in order to turn it into a clean “pristine” one, was used to introduce the ‘Mixer’ and was the first combination card on RCRDSHP.

The ‘Pristine Potty’

Believe it or not, we have every intention of someday providing holders of the ‘Pristine Potty’ card with real-world utility. Festival Porta Potties are usually pretty nasty, which makes access to RCRDSHP-hosted (and sparkling-clean) bathroom facilities super valuable.

Is that a lost flip-flop I see?

Unfortunately, if you think about the money and logistics involved in providing this perk, we admit that it might take awhile before we make it happen.⏳


The ‘Dealer’ cards dropped inside the HQ Recordings: Phase One pack in February 2022. I had wanted to drop these designs much earlier in our history, but faced internal resistance based on worries about negative PR consequences. Ultimately, I convinced my team that acknowledging drug use as a significant part of electronic dance music culture is not the same as actively promoting it — and anyway, RCRDSHP is not for children, so what’s the big deal? Authenticity has always been one of my top priorities for the project.

Planned Utility

Equipping the ‘Dealer’ in your hand or burning it to your profile allows you to secretly offer one of your collectibles to another player. If the transaction is accepted by the buyer, the purchase is hidden from our community’s #get-it-realtime Discord channel, since well, you know… drug deals are usually secret. Just be careful you don’t get caught!

Expect ‘Dealer’ utility by the end of 2022. ⏳

Dealer Artifacts by Cracklez and Merlin

The DJs

Are you a DJ yourself? Then you’ll want to equip one of these cards (or burn it to your profile capabilities). These two cards dropped in ‘GENESIS Reprise’, the last “grab bag”-style pack drop of 2021.

Cracklez and Merlin DJ cards

Doing so reveals important metadata wherever you see tracks listed on RCRDSHP: BPM and Key (in “Camelot” notation). ✅

The ‘Dancer’ and ‘Technician’ Cards

These character-style artifacts were dropped in the ‘Women of Dance’ pack on March 8, 2022. They all have upcoming utility.

‘Dancer’ cards are a little difficult to explain without first understanding that we intended to evolve parts of RCRDSHP into a role-playing game, and that in order to participate you would need to adopt a role. In addition to key roles such as DJ and promoter, a player could simply be a dancer — someone that attends events to have a good time. The timeline on assigning that kind of utility to the ‘Dancer’ cards is unclear. ⏳

‘Technician’ will unlock exclusive API access to RCRDSHP, meaning direct data feeds related to player activity, card availability, and sales. This utility is admittedly of little interest to most players, but for those that have programming abilities and the right motivation it has a lot of potential. ⏳

‘Bathroom Attendant’ and ‘Promoter’

These two cute collectibles were dropped in the ‘Roger Shah Presents Magic Island’ pack in March 2022.

‘Promoter’ is intended to unlock affiliate functionality for players. Promote RCRDSHP via your own channels to your friends and social network in order to earn rewards. Implementation is expected in early 2023 at latest, perhaps much sooner. ⏳

‘Bathroom Attendant’ is a mini-game, the first of its type. I’ve got it partially implemented, but since it’s not my highest priority, I’m not sure when I’ll be able to finish it. The game involves tipping the bathroom attendant with coins, and receiving something in return. I’m really hoping to deliver this before the end of the year, preferably much sooner.⏳

Disco Dystopia Characters

These three funny artifacts, brilliantly illustrated by our own Merlin Mannelly, correspond to some super useful features that are not yet available. They are the last artifacts to be dropped on RCRDSHP, contained in the ‘FSOE: The Ankh Collection’ pack dropped a few weeks ago. We’re hoping to implement their utility before the end of 2022.

‘Lurker’ allows you to “watch” a particular card design and be notified by email whenever it is listed. It’s intended to be one of the most effective ways to quickly snipe a desired card. ⏳

‘Pickup Artist’ allows you to make an unsolicited offer on an existing listing, presumably at a lower price than what the seller is asking. It’s really helpful for those low-serial-number listings with prices in the millions. “Right, not gonna give you $69,420 for that #1, but how about 200 bucks?” ⏳

‘Janitor’ allows you to “sweep the floor”, which means buying all the cards available up to a certain price. I’ve been trying to get this feature implemented for at least six months, but on top of the difficulties in executing more than one blockchain transaction at a time, that code gets broken every time we switch payment provider methods. ⏳

The Future of Artifacts

We’re planning to hold off on dropping any more artifacts until we finish implementation of utility for existing ones. We may make some exceptions in the case of having artifacts ready to drop with functioning utility, but it is very likely that those artifacts will be airdropped to existing players or sold in their own packs, or via a RCRDSHP-branded Storefront. ⏳

Some players have suggested that you should be able to use coins to buy artifacts, and it’s an idea that we’re considering. ⏳

Special thanks to Lisa Redbird and John Cameron for timely assistance in getting this article finished.



Obie Fernandez

CEO of RCRDSHP, Published Author, and Software Engineer. Chief Consultant at MagmaLabs. Electronic Music Producer/DJ. Dad. ❤️‍🔥Mexico City ❤️‍🔥 LatinX (he/him