Career Confusion; An accidental advice

Rahmat Arogundade
Published in
4 min readJan 8, 2021


Photo by Olya Kobruseva from Pexels

“It does not take much strength to do things, but it requires great strength to decide on what to do.”
~Elbert Hubbard

We are in an age of information ubiquity and this becomes increasingly intense as technology advances. “Knowledge is key!” yes, I believe in the mantra as well, but what happens when a person overdoses on these information pills such that it becomes an inhibitor when it comes to carving a career path for themselves?

The loads of information we are exposed to has paved way for an overload that makes it very difficult for us to filter what we need to make ourselves. Some sort of confusion sets in as we have grown an attachment to the various “amazing" phenomena we have encountered. If you’re one of the beautiful people in this knot, here’s what I’d tell you.

Define what your end goal or purpose is because that’s the first step to achieving it. Your end goal should be something in the line of what best suits you, your strongest abilities and your health specification. Let it be unique, let it stand out, let it be that every other thing you delve into aggregates into that one thing eventually. You can’t pick at every specialty and expect to get something glamorous from them if the path gap is wide.

If you’d have other side businesses unrelated, let it be managed by someone you would employ so you can focus on your main goal and what surrounds it.

Once you’ve defined what your goals are, start pushing towards them in bits. Be patient with yourself. When you attempt to attack them all at once on impulse, you’d be seriously overwhelmed and at some point you’d assume your goals are not achievable because you are unable to “finish them all.”

Recognise that houses are built from the foundation up and even before the foundation, you need to have all the necessary materials prepared before you move forward. That’s the same thing with your goals; plan, prepare, strategize wholly taking into account all the intrinsic details.

Remember I said houses are built from the foundation up, yes, you build your career much the same way. Take targeted steps towards acquiring certifications that will lead to that thing you want to do. Delve into engaging practicals that’d assist you cement the theoretical knowledge you have amassed. Volunteer, even, to gain dexterity and keep pushing like that.

In bits, you’re not just stacking stones for your foundation but you’re cementing them as well. The end result of this would be an even more solid foundation than you ever thought possible.
Bottom line of this part is that you should apply yourself. Theory is excellent for the understanding but of what use is a knowledge that stays vague?

As you move along with developing a sturdy foundation, develop a reliable and strong network in school, outside of school and in the professional atmosphere. This would come as a shocker for people like me who don’t talk much or who shy away from people but it is just as important as developing a foundation. At the end of the day while you have the skill, what avenue would you use to make yourself visible to the corporate world if you have developed an air of invisibility to the world or as is common now, behind the screen? While behind the screen is relative, it doesn’t excuse the fact that even when most jobs, studies or certifications now bag a “remote” title, you shouldn’t develop strong networks.

Develop the most positive mindset you can ever develop and love what you do. Why am I saying this? It’s because nothing would be handed to you. Whatever skill you’re acquiring or in a job you land in, you will work and you will at one point or the other be frustrated. What you love to do at that point would now become heavy duty and lamentations follow usually. Your positive mindset and latent love for this thing you do is what would take you through the phase…and the money too though.

We all have dreams that scare us, well at least, most of us but be bold and fearless in taking steps towards achieving them. Every human is unique in their capabilities. Don’t use another human being as a measure for your success. They are running their own race. Chart a path for yourself, even if it does not adhere to the status quo, and build communities there. Along the line, you’d find people just as outlandish as you, you may even be their motivation to do what they really want, who knows.

While this is not all we should consider, it’s a step, a baby step really, in the right direction.



Rahmat Arogundade

Reliving experiences through the world's spectacles. Outlandish.