Seeking collaborators (Editors & Contributors) for this collection

@ / RE: Boston MA 

@ / RE: Boston MA 


Hi Everyone —

This Collection is starting to grow — I’m very excited and thrilled with the many submissions from others. I’ve been a little remiss- my other responsibilities and interests are causing a delay in accepting article submissions to this collection. I’ve been admiring and appreciating the writing and dedication of the other authors who have contributed. My goal is to see this collection grow with quality, engaging content for my local community and those who have a connection to my hometown and are now living elsewhere. I want this to be a great place to visit for the online community; so I’m looking for other people who can collaborate with me in managing the content submissions and as contributing writers. I welcome any contributions to this collection; the author or content should have some connection to Boston Massachusetts. I don’t presently have a lot of time to provide direct feedback to authors — though it’s my goal to recognize and promote well written, positive, engaging content and to promote the submissions to this collection through my other online sites I manage or contribute to- whenever possible or allowed.

Shortly after launched, I recognized it for it’s spectacular design, the talent of the Site Creators, and great potential as a site where quality writing could be shared for the benefit of online communities and groups. I jumped in to claim a collection site for my favorite home city — Boston MA, while admiring all the other amazing contributors and collections as has grown. I hope it will continue to be a success, it’s been a place of learning, connecting and personal pleasure for me.

I don’t want to be a bottleneck, with my other responsibilities, I thought I should reach out and ask for another volunteer or two who would be willing to work with me in reviewing, and approving submissions so articles can be posted to this collection in a more timely manner.

I don’t think the time commitment is very significant, but the potential positive contribution we can make, even just as curators can benefit the wider site and community greatly.

I’m enthusiastic and hopeful for a bright future for Medium, it’s content creators and other visitors, I’m looking forward to hearing from others who may be interested in this opportunity to be of service.

## A little bit of info about me

I’m a freelance Software Engineer, Web Designer, Writer and Photographer here in Boston Massachusetts — I’m presently taking some time off from work to pursue some personal interests and to sharpen my tech. skills. I’m doing some volunteer work, writing, taking some technical courses while I prepare a business plan to start a business later this year.

If you are interested in working with me as an editor for this collection, please contact me:

Twitter: @philipchartrand

Boston, MA USA

Phil Chartrand



@ / RE: Boston MA 

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