this wonderful photo was taken by mutua matheka


Re-visiting old literary passions

Joy kiuna
Re(discovering) literature
2 min readOct 31, 2013


Writing is something I genuinely enjoy, however I do not have time to write (read: I do not create time to write), but all that is about to change. Anyway being an African woman, a sometimes journalist and a daughter of ; a university lecturer and a high school literature teacher it would come as no surprise that I love to read.

My mini library is filled with all sorts of books from the obvious classics: where would I be without my Bronte collection, to the modern reads and my favorite African literature. As much as I love all the books I have collected over the years I feel as though there is something missing. I would love to read more African literature, to be more precise I would love to read different literary styles from African writers.I just feel dissatisfied with the African literary landscape.

As I was pondering my dissatisfaction I was struck by the possibility that I should be a part of the solution. Whilst my ability to write in prose maybe questionable, I certainly feel that I do have an advanced knowledge in my taste. I therefore, must be the only person fit enough to scour the internet and present to my self and other fortunate like minded individuals my hopefully interesting findings.

Whilst on this journey I shall try to review and share any interesting reads and who knows maybe I’ll pluck up the courage to put together a little something of my own.

I want to do this because of an experience I had a while back, this experience was made possible by Chinua Achebe and Elechi Amadi, whose books helped me see Africa in all her beautiful glory. Each and every word in those books spun a web of love within me: a love so strong and unparalleled I would like to relive it even if its just once more.

