Austin, Texas — March 9th, 2016

re everything
Published in
3 min readMar 30, 2016


Mark Adams, award-winning entrepreneur and CEO of SOZO Global, Inc., announced SOZO will be powering a new brand called Renew. Renew’s launch comes complete with a fresh look, simplified messaging, innovative marketing materials, and a revolutionary dual-product human detoxification system.

Mark Adams, CEO of SOZO Global, Inc.

Renew’s launch is centered on a purpose-driven message and a results-driven product called Renew HC™. Mark Adams announced Renew HC from the stage at SOZOfest in Austin, Texas on December 5th, 2015. Adams quickly understood that this product didn’t just represent a paradigm shift for SOZO, but for the entire direct sales community.

By securing exclusivity globally to this groundbreaking nutraceutical in direct sales, Renew created an exceptional value proposition for its independent brand partners that allows it to stand independent of, but in harmony with, the diversified product line of its parent company.

The solution is a solution

According to SOZO, the problem was clear from the beginning: we are born inundated with poisons and grow up in an increasingly polluted environment. Our world is toxic—from the water we drink and shower in, to the air we breathe, and the food we feed our children. Unfortunately, there wasn’t a solution between ineffective juice cleanses and spicy lemonade and expensive, invasive chelation therapy — until now.

Renew HC and Restore KG — a powerful dual-product detox system.

Renew HC is a natural, effective, simple and affordable solution to support your body’s detoxification mechanisms. Trey Knight, SOZO’s President, expressed some of the reasoning that led to this decision:

“There are many companies out there with good products, but we’re putting them into a toxic environment — our bodies. As a result, we’re not reaping their full benefits. If we can remove the toxins, imagine how the products people put back into their bodies will work? If we want to achieve optimal health, we have to start by getting rid of these toxins.”

Trey Knight, SOZO’s President

Make Way For The Good

It was with these thoughts in mind that Renew’s tagline, make way for the good™, was crafted. Renew’s mission is to detoxify our world to make way for the good by cultivating a renewed and rewarded community. And by make way for the good, they don’t just mean nutrition — Renew is making way for family time, for freedom, for community, and for whatever good one of their independent brand partners seek.

Renew’s international presence.

Renew was pre-launched in the US, Canada, Panama, Viet Nam and Singapore on March 9th, 2016 with a full international launch slated for August 20th, 2016. Trey Knight commented on the life-transforming opportunity Renew symbolizes:

“The media is exploding with stories from Flint, Michigan and Fukushima, Japan about our increasingly toxic world — there’s never been a better time to step forward with something everyone needs. Renew is a timely, practical solution for a problem that confronts us all. We’re creating an opportunity where everyone can win, and for those who want to, the tools to build an empire are already on their way. Get renewed, get rewarded, and make way for the good.”

Join the movement at

Renew is an early-stage, global direct selling company headquartered in Austin, TX that empowers individuals to leverage their networks into income by sharing innovative health products peer‐to‐peer. Renew’s Independent Brand Partners get paid to share contagiously excellent products that leverage unique proprietary ingredients and help make way for the good in other’s lives.



re everything

We are an international movement dedicated to global detoxification through the cultivation of a renewed and rewarded community. Join the movement!