向化石能源業者的幫兇說不! Say No to Collaborators of the Fossil Fuel Industry!

350日本呼籲大型金融業者撤資350 Japan Requests Divestment Commitment from Large Japanese Bank

Tony Yen
Renewable Energy Digest
2 min readMay 12, 2018


350.org Japan在地球日周末時分享環境團體Urgewald報告中日本大型銀行的投資情況,並且發起連署,呼籲三菱、瑞穗、三井住友等三家在海內外大量投資燃煤發電興建案的銀行取消這樣子不顧及人類永續福祉的金融政策。
On Earth Day, 350.org Japan shared a report from Urgewald, revealing the investment conditions of some major Japanese banks. It launched a petition to call for the banks of Mizuho, MUFG, and SMBC to cancel their irresponsible investments on coal power plant projects in Japan and abroad.

According to Urgewald, the three Japanese banks of Mizuho, MUFG, and SMBC gave away more than 25 billion USD of lending to new coal power plant projects, and stood for the first, the second, and the fifth on the global list.
Compared with other banks around the world, Japanese banks are notorious famous for giving generous lending to coal power plants, especially in Southeast Asia where a lot of projects are undergoing fundraising processes.

在所有對化石能源產業鏈的投資中,新興燃煤發電廠的投資危害最甚,因為這樣的投資對於全球碳排增量有最直接的負面影響。也因此,當前全球的化石自由運動(Fossil Free)首要目標就是要求各大金融業不再給予新興燃煤電廠融資的機會。
Of all the investments in the fossil fuel industry chain, the ones in new coal power plant projects are of most harm, due to the most direct negative impact on global carbon emissions they would cause. Therefore, a primary goal of the global fossil free movement is to ask for all major banks to reject financial aids to these projects.

Another thing worthy of mention is that while some banks give out less lending, they still give financial aids to fossil fuel industry chain via other methods such as underwriting. This helps cover part of the risks that such infrastructure become stranded assets in the future.
Many state owned banks in China, ex. ICBC, China Construction Bank, and China Bank, have the most awful records of giving underwriting to coal power plant projects. This is partly due to their ongoing national policies to support infrastructures abroad, especially in South East Asia and Africa.

Below is the Petition:

There was also this report 350 Japan made previously on the investment situation of their banks in fossil fuel and nuclear industries:




Tony Yen
Renewable Energy Digest

A Taiwanese student who studied Renewable Energy in Freiburg. Now studying smart distribution grids / energy systems in Trondheim. He / him.