堵路與撤資,最有效的氣候行動!Blockadia and Divestment, the Most Effective Climate Actions

氣候行動的原理及運作簡介 Some Basics and Examples of Climate Actions

Tony Yen
Renewable Energy Digest
8 min readAug 28, 2018


In this episode, just before the global campaign “rise for climate”, we discuss the restrictive supply side climate policies, which are those that directly intervene and restrict the scale of fossil fuel industries.

From the perspectives of climate activists, there are two ways to push forward such policies: blockadia and divestment movement. The former blocks the extraction or transportation of fossil fuel on the field, prevent the industry from doing business as usual. The latter aims to cut of financial support to the fossil fuel industry.

The two measurements have their own unique political and economical effects, and thus both are indispensable in the climate policy discussion.

The following is the script of the film.

In the global climate movement, we gradually come to a consensus on what the most effective measures to combat climate change are.

The first is to urge governments to set clear long term plans for renewable energy, so that our energy system can achieve 100% RE as soon as possible. The second is to limit the scale of fossil fuel industry directly and effectively.

Today we shall discuss further about basics and cases of the second method, namely blockadia and divestment movement.

兩種氣候行動的科學原理簡介The Science of Climate Movements

堵路運動,Blockadia。這個詞是Naomi Klein在《天翻地覆》寫出的,用來形容為了阻擋化石燃料產業鍊的開採、運送、和使用,在世界各地所進行的第一線抗爭。
Blockadia is a term used in Naomi Klein’s book “This changes everything: capitalism vs. climate change”. It described the movements that stand at the picket line against the mining, transportation, and consumption of fossil fuel.

針對這些運動,一個氣候行動者蠻常用的口號就是「Keep it in the ground」;應該把這些化石燃料留在地底下,而不是拿來使用。
In these movements, a commonly used slogan for activists is “Keep it in the ground”, which means that we should keep fossil fuel in the ground, rather than burn it now.

On the other hand, divestment movements take a financial approach to affect the fossil fuel industry.

Climate activists hope that schools, churches, government institutes, and the financial sector stop subsidizing or investing on fossil fuel industry, so that the financial support of the industry can be cut off. This can also restrict the scale of those industries.

為什麼氣候行動者要發起堵路運動或撤資倡議呢?支持這兩種運動最有力的科學原理是碳預算(carbon budget)。巴黎協定的目標是全球地表均溫在本世紀末增幅不超過2度C,要達到這個目標,全球接下來的總碳排會有一個上限額度,被稱為「碳預算」。
Why would activists launch blockadia and divestment movements? The soundest science behind the movement is “carbon budget”. The goal of Paris Accord is to limit the Earth’s surface temperature rise within 2 degrees by the end of the century. If we are to achieve this goal, there will be an upper limit to how much carbon we can still emit. This upper limit is the “carbon budget”.

Under this constrain, the total amount of fossil fuel allowed to be extracted will be much smaller than that from a pure economic perspective. Thus we will need to restrict the developing of fossil fuel industry with all means possible.

But why do we consider blockadia and divestment effective? We will answer the question by discussing the economical effects of the two movements.

兩種運動的經濟學基礎The Economics of Climate Movements

對化石燃料產業鍊「正本清源」、限制規模,在經濟學上有個專有名詞,叫做「限制供給面政策」(restrictive supply side policy)。雖然環境運動者一直不斷提倡這類型的政策,長期以來經濟學界和政治界卻選擇忽視這類型手段,而把焦點放在「補貼供給面」(發展再生能源)、「限制需求面」(碳稅、碳交易市場)、「補貼需求面」等等其他面向的氣候政策。
The type of policies that restrict fossil fuel industry are called “restrictive supply side policy” by economists. Although activists have long urged for such type of policies, they were neglected by mainstream economists and politicians before. The focus has always been on restrictive demand side, supportive supply side, and supportive demand side policies, when discussing economical tools on climate change mitigation.

But more and more economists are beginning to discuss the unique advantages of restrictive supply side policies.

The most straight forward point is that such policies have the most direct impact on the fossil fuel industry. So they are easier to examine, and they gain more support from society.

Another point is, restrictive supply side policies tend to cause more internal conflicts inside the fossil fuel industry.

In the recent process of energy transition, some gas companies frequently stress that they are good complement to renewables and lay the focus on coal industry is just one example. During the process, the fossil fuel industries, who used to be well-organized and interdependent, will be turned against each other. Therefore it will be easier to push climate and energy policies in the future.

Last, an advanced economic concept: if the fossil fuel industry has a higher price elasticity for its demand than its supply, then restrictive supply side policies will be more effective than restrictive demand side policies. The coal industry exactly falls into this category.

Besides yielding effective restriction on supply, divestment movements can also have the positive effect of improving reverse distribution policies. The current welfare from public subsidy and investment on fossil fuel industry are distributed mostly on the wealthier population. This leads to a distribution injustice.

For example, if the government subsidize the power prices, then those who benefit the most are the energy intensive industries and major consumers. If the government subsidizes petroleum, than petroleum-chemical industries will be the ones to directly benefit the most.

If such subsidies are canceled, the public sector can reinvest the budget on education, medical care, renewable energy, erasing social inequality, or any other more legitimate use of the same money.

Of course, people are tired of hearing the narratives from us the activists. The actual impact of blockadia and divestment to the fossil fuel industry, can be summed up best by the industry itself. In the 2017 annual report of Shell, they formally listed divestment as a risk factor to the management of their company.

實務上運作方式How It Really Works

Knowing that blockadia and divestment movement are both very important and effective, we now show some examples of how they are organized.

Let’s start from blockadia. So now I am at the south of Leipzig, in a small town Pödelwitz. Here we have the greatest open pit mining in eastern Germany.

Many climate activists in Europe will gather at coal power plants or large open pit mines to organize a climate camp. They will usually take direct actions to encircle and cut off the operations of the coal industry.

除了Pödelwitz這裡的活動,德國比較有名的當然是Ende Gelaende,他們計畫在秋天佔領Hambacher Forst,避免RWE為了褐煤開採權破壞那座森林。
Besides this event, the most famous camp in Germany right now might be the one held by Ende Gelände. They are planning to hold a camp at Hambacher forest this autumn, to prevent RWE from destroying the woods for lignite mining.

Apart from direct actions, these camps also provide participants great chances to empower and network themselves. For example, we have plenty of workshops and podium on climate action before our main action here.

Of course, under a contingency event, blockadia movements might not be so well organized (ex. the emergency situation now in Hambacher Forest has made it urgent to rally people there before the planned camp).

Now let’s move on to divestment. Currently there are continual news around the world about how churches, schools, government institutes, and banks decide not to invest on fossil fuel industry due to external pressure.

Some famous examples include divestment of Swedish pension fund last year, the Irish government early this year, and recently, some Japanese corporations. These are just a few to join the ongoing trend of divestment.

In Taiwan, news of divestment are rare. But students in Taida from several groups did petition and urge their university to divestment from Formosa plastic and other companies in the fossil fuel industrial chain. Meanwhile, 350 Taiwan has also been pushing for the transparency of governmental subsidy and bank investment on fossil fuel.

Before I left for Germany, I gave some minor support for the divestment campaigners in Taiwan. So of course I would like to see results coming out in the future from these campaigns.

另一方面,我目前也在Freiburg這邊的Fossil Free地方組織中,持續觀察他們的運作方式,像是上個學期我們的城市和教會都做出了比較具體的撤資承諾,未來大學是否跟上,也可以再之後繼續和大家分享。
In the meantime, in Freiburg, I have been in the local fossil free group, learning from them how to campaign here. Last semester, the church and the city government in Freiburg both made rigid divestment promises. Whether or not the Uni will take the issue seriously is of course something I can also share with you all in the future.



Tony Yen
Renewable Energy Digest

A Taiwanese student who studied Renewable Energy in Freiburg. Now studying smart distribution grids / energy systems in Trondheim. He / him.