太陽能跟風能無法成為基載,而我一點都不在乎 Of course solar and wind can’t become base load. And I don’t really care

能源轉型ABC系列文之一 Energiewende Basics for Taiwan#1

Tony Yen
Renewable Energy Digest
6 min readJun 26, 2017



To celebrate my acceptance into the master program of REM, this summer I shall be sharing concepts and trends of which the discussion of Energiewende lacks in Taiwan, in the hope of shedding some light on what might happen when renewables cover 20% of our island’s electricity by 2025.


So let us begin with the most famous claim of all when discussing the feasibility of an Energiewende in Taiwan:

“Solar and wind cannot become base load, thus Energiewende can never work.”

舉世皆然,如果有甚麼概念是對於能源轉型最大的危害,基載這個觀念可以算是名列前茅的禍害之一。看看這篇文章是怎麼形容的: goo.gl/Rm3vVB

If there is any ratings on what myth harms a global Energiewende the most, the myth of baseload might be just that. Check and see just how the following article puts it: goo.gl/Rm3vVB





In Taiwan, people seem to be more likely to believe the necessity of a “base load”. Therefore we have the following common deduction on internet discussions:

1. Only sources which give stable supply and are not subject to meteorology (the so-called base load) can effectively reduce carbon emission of a power system.

2. Solar and wind power cannot be supplied stably, and are subject heavily to meteorology.

3. Therefore solar and wind cannot replace the role of nuclear; decommissioning nuclear power plants is equivalent to an increase of coal power, which is the only “base load” alternative to nuclear in Taiwan.


For me, there does not exist a kind of power source which can be inherently defined as “base load”. The reason why the concept of base load exists and can effectively describe the power system in Taiwan is simply because we have been addicted to nuclear and coal in the past.


There is no doubt that solar and wind can never fall into the existing category of “base load”. However, those who emphasize this point and thereby conclude that Energiewende can never work has a fundamental cognitive misunderstanding of Energiewende itself.


What is the historical mission of solar and wind power? Besides all the obvious advantages, such as promotion of energy democracy, leading a widespread transition of the industry (obviously Taiwan will never be able to develop nuclear industry, even we somehow manage to build ten more nuclear power plants), integration of experts in every aspect into solving a major social issue (what other kind of power source requires so much meteorologists, geologists and social interaction), from the view of power system, they also serve another important purpose: to eliminate the outdated concept of “base load”.

要了解上面這句話,我們必須先知道一個觀念:鴨子曲線(duck curve)。你可以自己維基一下,這個曲線描述了傳統能源發電在陽光旺盛時的一日逐時負載變化:中午時日照充足,傳統能源發電量降低,但是早晨跟黃昏時日照較小,反而使傳統電力的發電量出現峰值。

To understand the words above, let me introduce the duck curve to you. Google it and you shall see that it is a curve which describes the diurnal trend of conventional loading during a very sunny day. At noon, sunlight is strong so conventional load drops, but in the early morning and at dusk sunlight is smaller, so conventional load has two peaks in these two period of time.


For many in Taiwan, this duck curve seems to be the bottleneck of developing renewables. But energy experts view the duck curve with a very different perspective in Germany. The Germans recognize this curve as an issue; the problem, they say, is not that renewables produce too much electricity, but the inflexibility of conventional power sources.

但是,如果一種發電方式被當成「基載」,怎麼可能也被要求同時有所彈性呢?所以德國人已經開始不叫核能和燃煤基載電力了;所有傳統發電方式逐漸被區分成技術限制造成的必載(must run capacity)以及理論上要隨再生能源供電情況和即時電價反映的殘載(residue capacity)。對德國人來說,不夠彈性的殘載才是未來需要日益降低的。

However, if a kind of power source is already being regarded as “base” load, how can you demand it to be flexible at the same time? So the Germans are starting to not call nuclear and coal as “base load”; for them all conventional power sources are now to be split into must run capacity, which is the real technical limit of operating these plants; and residue capacity, which should theoretically response to supply of renewables and real time price signals.


So what is the current situation in Germany? Take the trend of conventional power sources and residue load in the previous week(12. Jun — 19. Jun) for example (graph 1). It is normal that conventional power varies 10GW regularly within 6 hours, sometimes even 15GW. Because the flexibility of conventional response to residue load variation is now mainly achieved from hard coal power plants (graph 2), in most cases, Germany still has to (during a period with maximum load!) export excess electricity to other nations to solve the problem of inflexibility.

圖一/德國殘載和傳統發電曲線,12.06–19.06 Graph one/trend of conventional power sources and residue load
圖二/德國傳統發電曲線,01.06–20.06 Graph two/trend of conventional power sources
圖三/德國傳統發電對價格訊號反應,01.06–20.06 Graph three/response of conventional power sources to real time electricity price


From the viewpoint of dispatch flexibility, geothermal, bioenergy and hydroelectric are among the best, gas ranks the second, coal behind it and nuclear the last. Of course we should not only focus on the technical issues; economically speaking, the penetration of renewables into the grid will cause low wholesale prices and low capacity factors for conventional sources, which both damage it greatly since the operational and installment cost is greater for larger plants; on the other hand, renewables, with zero marginal cost and support of FIT, do not have similar constraints. This is why some claim that with carbon taxes or minimum carbon price supporting gas, Germany’s coal power plants can gradually decommission under market mechanism; although I cast doubt on the scale and efficiency of decommissioning the coal plants that way.


OK, let’s get back to Taiwan. If you take a closer look of Taiwan’s recent diurnal trend of conventional load (graph four), it should be between 24 to 31 GW. If electricity demand remains the same in 2025, and that installed solar capacity reaches 20 GW and wind 4 GW, let’s take peak solar supply 14GW and wind 2GW to do the math. We see that will make the residue load lie somewhere near the top of the light orange line (coal). However, should the pink area(nuclear) disappear in 2025, then it would be insufficient to continue the existing dispatch rules and let mainly the gas take flexible responses, if we are to achieve carbon reduction simultaneously with a nuclear phase out. We must, similar to what the Germans are doing right now, let the coal power plants do the main flexible response to residue load.

圖四/台灣電力負載圖,22.06 (紅色以下為傳統發電) Graph four/loading of Taiwan (all power sources below red area are conventional)


There is evidence that the dispatch rule mentioned above might be how Taiwan manages its mid-term Energiewende. Some government agents mention it in their presentation to explain why the installed capacity of coal power plants might increase, but total power production by coal can still decrease. If you regarded coal as “base load”, such claims would be ridiculous. (Of course, whether or not all the planned installed capacity are necessary can be questioned and verified.)


Let us conclude this article. No, wind and solar can never replace coal and nuclear as “base load”, but when they do grow to a significant scale, it gradually becomes meaningless to use the concept anyway.


But wait! The Germans has an entire continent to digest their inflexible conventional surplus, but how should we, as a more isolated power grid, manage our supply and demand balancing? Perhaps that’s another subject I can write about next time.









另外有留言區的人提到一篇德文的系列文章之二, Das “Energiewende-Paradox”: dreckig schlägt teuer。這個系列文有討論到再生能源對批售電力市場的劇烈變動,其實也算是印證基中尖載的概念在德國已經很難適用。

德國過去因為沒有適當政策,讓燃氣發電的低碳優勢無法顯現,所以和燃煤相比較難在市場上競爭,以至於綠能替代燃煤的成效不彰,這就是文章標題「dreckig schlägt teuer」的原意,並非是在說褐煤等非彈性機組在電力系統有必要存在(「基載」的思維)。






Tony Yen
Renewable Energy Digest

A Taiwanese student who studied Renewable Energy in Freiburg. Now studying smart distribution grids / energy systems in Trondheim. He / him.