德國能源轉型現況2016–2017 Energiewende in Germany, 2016–2017

能源轉型ABC系列文之二 Energiewende Basics for Taiwan#2

Tony Yen
Renewable Energy Digest
11 min readJun 26, 2017



“It’s nuclear or coal. The Energiewende is fake!”


Is Germany truly green or not? This article is to explain the current situation of Germany’s Energiewende.


1. Coal in Electricity Production


Since 2013, the proportion of coal in the production of electricity has been continually falling in Germany (graph 1). As compared to 2003, the annual electricity production by coal has dropped 45TWh (14.8%), while annual electricity production by nuclear also dropped 80TWh(48.5%). Even compared with the statistic of pre-Fukushima 2010, electricity production by coal still reduced 3TWh in 2016.

圖一/德國電力結構,2003–2016 Graph 1/ Electricity Production by Source in Germany, 2003–2016

德國在今年2月啟用了一座新的燃煤電廠(goo.gl/rmwZ4M ),裝置容量為1100MW;不少人認為這很有可能是德國最後一座蓋得起來的燃煤電廠。另一方面,4月時兩座燃煤電廠亦除役(goo.gl/L2yTZa ),總裝置容量有2234MW。一加一減,德國仍然朝著持續減煤的道路前進。

This February, a new 1100MW coal power plant became operational in Germany(goo.gl/rmwZ4M), which some believe to be the last coal power plant the Germans would ever be able to build. On the other hand, two coal power plants were decommissioned in April, with a total capacity of 2234MW. As one goes online, two went offline; Germany is still on track of reducing its reliance on coal.


However, there does exist menace on whether such trend can endure. The new right-lingered CDU/FDP coalition elected in the coal state of NRW calls for a deceleration of coal phase-out and renewable developments planned by the previous SDP/Greens government. If the Bundestag election in mid September turns out to favor also a CDU/FDP coalition, the threatening policy might become nationwide.


2.Developments of Renewables

2016年德國能源政治中,最受矚目的新聞便是再生能源法(Erneuerbare Energie Gesetz)的修法。2017年開始,大規模的再生能源計畫將不再得到躉購費率的補貼,政府改採用總量競標的方式,讓廠商叫價,喊到較低補助費率者得標。

In the energy politics of 2016, news of the revision of the renewable energy act (Erneuerbare Energie Gesetz) is definitely on the spotlight. Beginning in 2017, all large scale renewable projects will no longer be in the feed-in-tariff system; instead, a cap-and-auction method is now implemented, where companies bid for the lowest subsidy demand gets the license.

一般認為此舉為基民黨為了抑制再生能源「過度擴張」的一種手段。在國際上,總量競標制度往往有完成率嚴重低於原定規模的問題,且獨厚大型財團。在5月時的競標出現了公民主導的陸上風能專案取得93%標的的意外情形(goo.gl/sKadNm ),然而此事是否能維持常態、而相關專案能否陸續完成,仍是一大問號。

The policy is usually considered as a way to inhibit “over expansion” of renewables by the CDU. Auctions tend to have problems on the completion ratio, and they also favor large enterprises. Accidentally, in an on-shore wind farm auction, 93% of the bid was won by citizen led projects(goo.gl/sKadNm), although we cannot tell if this will become normal, and if these projects can be carried out in the future as scheduled.


The main advantage of cap-and-auction is that it reduces the cost, which is why FDP greatly supports this policy. The auction on off-shore wind farm, resulting in zero governmental subsidy, seemed to have proven this claim. However, some claim that, due to improvement of technology, the previous FIT system could have had similar reduction on cost anyway; what is more important is that auction might inhibit the development of renewables too much, such that the growth rate of renewable capacity fall well below government’s target in the future.


As mentioned previously, after the NRW state election, Germany’s road to Energiewende is cast with shadows. Whether coal power plants can be decommissioned is one question, the development of renewables is another. With Germany very much likely to miss its climate target in 2020, the policy and aptitude Merkel and her party take can hardly let us call her the “climate chancellor”.


3. Carbon Emission Trend


As renewables gradually develop and coal on the fall, since 2013 the energy sector of Germany managed to reduce its carbon emission even with a gradual nuclear phase-out(graph two); compared with pre-Fukushima 2010, the energy sector still managed to reduce 24 million tonnes of CO2 eq (6.7%). Compares with 1990, the reduction reached 95 million tonnes of CO2 eq (22.2%). However, this is still well below the target of 40% total emission reduction in 2020 the government set.

圖二/德國碳排趨勢 Graph two/ emission trend in Germany

相較於2015年,2016年德國總碳排微升4百萬二氧化碳當量。微升的主因為運輸部門長期的碳排成長趨勢以及該年較寒冷的冬天使住屋暖房需求增加。運輸部門的碳排增加乃全歐洲共同趨勢,也是歐洲深度低碳轉型面臨的最大挑戰。詳情可以參考這篇文章: goo.gl/8sD6wf。

As compared with 2015, total annual carbon emission rised 4 million CO2 eq in Germany in 2016. The slight rise was mainly due to the long trend of emission increase in transport sector, and also the colder winter which resulted in greater demand of residence heating. The increasing trend in transport sector can be found throughout all Europe, and remains the greatest challenge for a deep low carbon transition for the continent. For more details, one can refer to the following link: goo.gl/8sD6wf.


4.Electricity Supply


Germany has been a net exporter of electricity since 2003. More importantly, Germany usually exports more electricity at noon, when the load demand is also the most; Germany also exports more electricity in the winter than in the summer, when the demand is also the greatest in the year. That said, Energiewende does not cause electricity shortage, in the contrast the inflexibility of conventional power sources makes Germany export electricity to other countries more. One can refer to our first article of this series for a more detailed explanation(goo.gl/oxxq8V).

有兩個方法可以印證這個論點。參考下圖三,當太陽能發電尖峰時(同時也是負載尖峰時),德國有最高的電力淨出口。下圖四則顯示,歐洲用電高峰的冬季,德國也有較高的電力淨出口。通常冬季的再生能源佔比仍能保持在30%左右(圖五),使這段期間傳統能源發電量的國內需求不至於提升過多。比如2016年1 月的傳統能源發電比該年6月增加7TWh,不過大部分都反映在出口量的變化上(1月比6月多了5TWh)。

Two ways can prove the arguments above. As shown in graph 3, the peak of solar power production in summer, which coincides with peak load, also coincides with greater electricity export. Graph 4 shows that Germany exports more electricity during peak demand in winter. The proportion of renewables in electricity production in winter is usually above 30%(graph five), so the share of conventional power sources domestically does not increase too much. For example, the conventional power sources produced 7TWh more electricity in January than in June in the year of 2016, but the difference is mainly due to electricity export(Jan has 5TWh more export).

圖三/太陽能發電與電力出口關係,13.06–20.16 Graph three/ Solar power production and net electricity export. Source: Energy Charts
圖四/2016德國電力淨出口變化 Graph 4/ net electricity export in 2016. Source: Agorameter
圖五/2016德國再生能源佔電力比例變化 Graph 5/ variation of renewables in electricity, 2016. Source: Energy Charts


What worths mentioning is that during January 2017, due to meteorology factors the share of renewables dropped significantly in Germany (to only about 27%). In that month, Germany not only exported less electricity than the previous January, it also has to increase the power production from conventional sources substantially to meet its domestic demands. But such scenario is rare, and if we view things in a greater time scale, solar and wind has been performing extraordinary since March, so the annual renewable share of electricity in Germany will probably increase this year. As we have been mentioning from the first article, the variability of renewables should not be over-emphasized in the mid-term target of Energiewende, what is more important is how to boost the share of renewables via dispatch measures and increase of capacity.

而另一個在台灣常出現的論點,法國的核電是否在德國有尖峰負載時支援它,則可以從法國和德國與比利時的商業流(commercial flow)檢視。之所以用商業流而非錯誤地討論德法之間的物理流(physical flow)是因為物理流只能呈現是否流經一國電網,而不能呈現兩國真正的電力交易情況(不然巴拿馬運河就會是全世界經濟最繁榮的地方了)。

Another common question in Taiwan is that whether France supports Energiewende by giving its nuclear power to Germany during peak load. To answer this question we examine the commercial flow between France and Germany/Belgium. The reason why we should use commercial flow but not physical flow when examining this issue is because physical flow data only tells whether the electricity passed through the border; it does not tell you the real situation of market exchange (or else, the Panama canal must be the most economically prosperous place in the world).


In reality, France and Germany recently has a commercial flow as graph 6 shows; France imports electricity from Germany in the afternoon, when demand is highest in both countries. As mentioned previously, renewables in Germany have been performing perfectly since March, especially this particularly month (June, see graph seven). The abundant solar radiation in Germany results in an increase of electricity export to neighboring countries, including France.

圖六/法國商業流,25.06 Graph six/ commercial flow of France. Source: RTE
圖七/01.06–25.06德國再生能源佔電力比例 Graph seven/ Germany’s share of renewables in electricity. Source: Energy Charts


Overall, like any other country, France imports more electricity from Germany in winter, when demand load is greater; however, France has net export to Germany in summer, when demand load is lower (graph 8,9,10 and 11). The reason behind this is that France has a maximum nuclear capacity of about 63GW, if you consider reactive power balancing the fleet generally won’t be supply more than 60GW, and thus France can only export more electricity in summer, when its domestic electricity demand is lower(graph 12). But summer is also the season when Germany’s renewables perform the best, conventionals produce the least and yet it remains a net electricity exporter. Therefore, it is hard to make a claim that French nuclear power supports Energiewende in Germany.

圖八/2015年1月與7月德國電力負載特性(單位應為MW) Graph 8/ diurnal patterns of net load in Germany (units should be MW). Source of data: ENTSO-E
圖九/2015德法商業流特性(單位應為MW,顏色標記同前一張) Graph 9/diurnal patterns of Franco-German commercial flow (units should be MW, colors marking are the same as the previous graph). Source of data: ENTSO-E
圖十/2015年1月德國電力供需圖 Graph 10/ Germany’s Electricity Jan 2015. Source: Energy Charts
圖十一/2015年7月德國電力供需圖 Graph 11/ Germany’s Electricity Jul 2015. Source: Energy Charts
圖十二/法國電力需求 Graph 12/ France electricity demand. Source: Energy Transition.org

題外話,如果說德國在能源轉型過程中,將繼續面臨冬天化石燃料佔比可能較高的問題,法國人則會在接下來10年之內,面臨核電廠因各種安全問題可能供電不穩的狀況。去年秋天至今年一月便發生1/3的法國核能機組因核安問題停機,使該國電力進口大增的情況(圖十三);2012年也發生過類似的狀況。隨著法國各核電廠進入正常除役的年限,接下來十年同樣狀況發生的頻率應該會越來越頻繁。詳情可參考: goo.gl/Cb2Qu3。

By the way, as Germany will likely have to continually face the problem of relying more on fossil fuels in winter during their Energiewende, France will have to face power supply instabilities due to security issues of its nuclear plants. From last autumn to this January, ⅓ of France’s nuclear fleet were shut down because of safety issues, which made France import more electricity from neighboring countries(graph 13); similar events have occurred in 2012. As the french nuclear power plants enter their designed-decommissioning age, such thing should happen more and more frequently in the next ten years. For further information, please refer to: goo.gl/Cb2Qu3.

圖十三/2016秋核電廠大規模停機期間法國商業流 Graph 13/ commercial flow of France during the major shut down of nuclear. Source: RTE


5.Electricity Prices

德國的電力批售價格(wholesale price)由於再生能源佔比不斷增加,有逐年遞減趨勢。目前一般家戶所支付的電價中,躉購制度產生的差額補價(renewable surcharge)以及電網費用仍佔大宗(圖十四)。

As the share of renewables in electricity continues to rise, the wholesale prices of electricity in Germany gradually decreases. For an average household in Germany, the electricity bill is now mainly consists of a renewable surcharge due to the FIT system and a grid fee(graph 14).

圖十四/德國家戶平均單位電價計價來源 Graph 14/composition of power price for an average household in Germany

然而躉購制度的差額補價主要提供給能源轉型早期(2010年以前)的供電者,預計在2022年開始將逐步下滑(goo.gl/znkTsH );電網的成本則因為管理技術的提升,調度相關的費用在2016年甚至比前一年下降(goo.gl/dXxqKq )。當然在短期,電網的擴增仍會持續使相關費用增加,然而長遠來說這樣的投資本屬必要,且能降低調度費用未來的增幅。

But the renewable surcharge due to FIT system is mainly given to the electricity suppliers who installed their renewables in the early stages of Energiewende(pre 2010), and therefore the surcharge is expected to fall after 2022(goo.gl/znkTsH); meanwhile, due to improvement of management skills, re-dispatch costs dropped in 2016(goo.gl/dXxqKq). Of course, the expansion of the grid will likely increase the grid fee in the near future, but in the long term such investment is necessary and can reduce the increment of dispatch cost in the future.


Since 2013, power price of an average German household has remained relatively flat, therefore decommissioning half of the nuclear fleet is not the main reason why power price rocketed since 2000. And because of energy conservation and a strong economic growth, the quadrupled power price since 2000 does not increase the issue of energy poverty significantly in the German society. However we should still pay attention to the social inequality caused by regional power price differences, and whether the households who suffer the most impact receive sufficient support.


One thing can not be emphasized more: even with household power prices quadrupled within two decades, Energiewende is still highly supported by the majority of the German people. Of course the system is far from perfect; the industries don’t need to pay the renewable surcharge and enjoys abatements of grid fee, while there still exists no carbon tax nor minimum carbon pricing to represent the real costs of coal. This issues are discussed by the Greens and the Left during this election.


6.Current Poli-Economic Struggles Regarding Energy Policies


As mentioned in section one and two, it is very likely that CDU and FDP form a coalition and cast adversaries to the progress of Energiewende. The reason for this is of course partly due to a more concern in the immigration issue and the rise of the right wing populism AfD(which not surprisingly, denies climate change and opposes the Energiewende).


On the other hand, the rapid decline of coal industry has gradually intensified the conflict between the owners and workers of the industry. Owners of coal mining and coal power plants claim an image of protecting working rights when dealing with the pressure the society pose upon them, but when things become obvious that the end of the coal industry is near, the best way for the owners to maximize their profits before decommissioning is to avoid investment in more environmentally friendly and safer equipment. Meanwhile, for the unions and workers, what is of more importance is for the industry to set up a social-aid fund as soon as possible and expand it while profit still exists, which can then be used for job training or retirement aids in the future.


The conflict in interest between the industry owners and the workers can be demonstrated no more clearly than when a “socially acceptable” coal phase-out time table was published by Verdi, one of the largest union in Germany, in last September. We look forward to seeing the intensification of the conflict between the owners and workers of Germany’s coal industry, just as we also look forward to seeing similar events take place in the US, and Trump’s myth of saving the economy with coal mining disillusioned.

在這個議題上,德國左派黨有所有主流政黨裡最堅定的立場。低碳轉型真正的重點其實不在減碳,而是在社會正義;所以這是一個「社會暨生態」的轉型(socio-ecological transition)。所以本文前述的種種問題,包括煤礦工人的權益、總量競標對再生能源發展的限制、電價計價不合理、沒有碳稅等等,左派黨都提出了符合一般人民利益的政策(goo.gl/2c9rYN)。

On this issue, the Left Party of Germany has the firmest stance among all established parties. A low carbon transition is not really about carbon reduction but more about social justice, so they claim this should be a “socio-ecological transition”. The issues this article has mentioned above, including rights of coal mining workers, restriction of renewables development due to auctions, inequality of electricity charging, the absence of a carbon tax, are all dealt by the Left Party with a set of policies which are in line with the interest of the common people(goo.gl/2c9rYN).


On the other hand, the Greens, who started its presence in the arena of politics via environmental movements, is being marginalized during this election. Such marginalization is perhaps almost unavoidable after Energiewende turned from a slogan of a minor party into a nationwide policy target. The nuclear disaster in Fukushima made the Greens scores major results in the elections in 2012, but five years has past, and their calls regarding environmental issues are no longer center of the electoral debate. From late March to mid May, the Greens either lost all their seats or their position in a coalition government. However, the Bundestag election in September can still result in a coalition of SPD, the Left, and the Greens, and even the possibility of a Jamaica coalition consisting the CDU, FDP, and the Greens is not crossed out by both minor parties.


7. Conclusion


We can see from the analysis above that the German Energiewende can not be discussed purely from the composition of electricity, and even if so, it can not be discussed purely from the trend that nuclear’s “base load” function is gradually being lost. Although the period between 2016 and 2017 has witnessed substantial change of the energy policy in Germany, and probably will see more change after the election, but whether the low carbon transition with a nuclear phase out is correct is no longer a subject of debate for the main parties. Just like what the Chinese Communist Party love to say: this is a choice of the history, and also the choice of the people.



Tony Yen
Renewable Energy Digest

A Taiwanese student who studied Renewable Energy in Freiburg. Now studying smart distribution grids / energy systems in Trondheim. He / him.