Does anyone want the SharePoint file experience in Microsoft Teams?

Steven Collier [MVP]
REgarding 365
Published in
2 min readFeb 16, 2020

In my latest video for /What’s New in Microsoft Teams I look at the new files tab that is now available for all. This feature was first announced on the message centre 9 months ago, so has taken much longer than we would normally expect, check out my thoughts here …

As I raised in the video I am not especially enamoured with this feature. It doesn’t yet support editing metadata, only viewing. I’m not sure I see the point in view only, if you choose to use metadata then surely you need to be able to add it.

Bigger than that, is the ‘full’ SharePoint experience really what anybody wanted? Can anyone really say that there’s a good reason to allow check-in/check-out through Teams? SharePoint Online is a fantastic and unparalleled cloud-based file system, but it’s weighed down with it’s 19 years of progressively added features. In my work I come across a lot of users who don’t like SharePoint, typically because they’ve had to endure using an over configured environment where an owner has made unrealistic requirements for how to use the service, when what people wanted was a file share. SharePoint is lacking the deep profile-based configuration of Teams that allows admins to hide or show features. The OneDrive team don’t stand for this and manage to hide all manner of irrelevant features from the SharePoint platform.

I think for me this is a backward step and will impact Teams adoption.

