Teams Email Notifications and UserVoice

Owen Allen
REgarding 365
Published in
2 min readAug 9, 2017

The Email notifications that you receive with Microsoft Teams could use a little sprucing up. It does a great job of telling me who mentioned me or who reached out to me, and has a link back to the item, but that is all…

Wouldn’t it be great to have a quick abstract of the content of the message included in the notification email?

Well, ok, this is a trick question.

Some people will say that enabling notification content in the email will only serve to cause the Email culture to persist, and will slow down the integration of a Teams-workplace. I think one of the suggestions in this vein is that the reminder is nice, but that the user should then open the Teams activity feed (browser, laptop, or mobile app) and review/take action on the messages from there.

Other people will say that this is a much needed feature, to help them triage their notifications and their Teams activity feed.

I wonder if it really comes down to your choice about which tool you will use at which time.

I can certainly understand for those users that are in the midst of a company migration to Microsoft Teams and email is Very Real, but they Want To Use Teams.

For this reason, I suggest we enable both methods. If you want to throw your support behind the UserVoice suggestion that a kind person named Rob Solomon posted, which is titled, “Email notifications should include the actual content of the post(s).”, then I will make it easy for you to do so.


Originally published at on August 9, 2017.



Owen Allen
REgarding 365

Digital workplace and Transformation Leader, Microsoft veteran. Enterprise knowledge, processes, content, & collaboration. Solution Architect at Zones Inc.