Introducing Recast

A New Way To Document My Solo Trip Around The World

Simone Stolzoff
re: orient


If this were a high school graduation speech, I would probably start with a dictionary definition, but because I graduated high school, I’m going to start with a quote. “The thing about quotes on the internet is that you cannot confirm their validity.” ~ Abraham Lincoln. I realized that after writing all these blog posts over the past few months, the good people back home had no way of confirming my identity. So, in an attempt to give you some quotes straight from the horse’s mouth, I’d like to introduce Recast. Now, on to the definition…

Re·cast (rēˈkast)

  1. (v) to present or organize something in a different form or style.
  2. (n) a new podcast about a vagabonding pizza bagel

I’m super excited to send some stories from the road straight to your ear-buds. Hopefully, this new way of documenting can offer something more than just another travel blog. Each episode will combine interviews and commentary on a theme relevant to the country where the podcast is recorded. I promise to keep the episodes short enough to listen to on your daily commute or during halftime of a March Madness game! Without further ado, I give you episode 1.

Episode 1: Sole Train

What happens when three San Franciscans get together in a small Indonesia surf town? They make a podcast, naturally. Ever entertained the idea of traveling the world with only a backpack on your back? Well then this episode is for you! Learn a few nuggets of wisdom solo travelers wish they had known before they left and much more by clicking on the link below.

*Shout out to Joe “Mad Notez” Wheeler, who produced the awesome Recast Theme Song, which can be downloaded in full here.



Simone Stolzoff
re: orient

Writer based in Oakland. I’m interested in tech ethics, automation, and the future of work. Work @IDEO. Newsletter here: