December Journal

re(s)public collective
re(s)public collective
4 min readJan 26, 2022

Mexico City, Mexico

Through the eyes of Nuria Benítez Gómez

AMLO has speeded-up the Mayan train project. I am deeply concerned how this action will affect geopolitics and rural societies whose territories will be completely damaged and devastated. At this pace, I wonder for how long there will still be reservoir and protected ecosystems in this country. For how long will pursuing growth in tourism occur, and when will rather stop the jeopardisation of ecosystems and societies’ preservation be prioritised –even if allowing for a more responsible tourism development?

This month I got a stomach infection and missed out on not only my birthday cake, but also all X-Mas goodies. Luckily, I could enjoy soon after that the most delicious sourdough pizzas at my brother-in-law’s tiny pizzeria in San Miguel de Allende. This month marked the end of 2021! Looking back, I realised I worked and did a lot of things, but also how much I long for the pandemic to be over and how much I need a nice and long break. I want to see dear friends without being scared, I want to be able to go to a swimming pool, I want to host friends at home, I want to walk in the street un-preoccupied, I want to teach without face-masks and more dynamic workshops.

Berlin, Germany

As lived by Moritz Dittrich

For a few week Germany has a new government out of a collision the Socialist, the Green Party and the Liberals. The media coverage and the social media discussions are surprisingly calm and the new government seems to be productive.

In retrospective of this year it drained me even more than the last one. I’m still very civilised — careful with meeting people, wearing mask etc — but I’m just very very tired of everything. I’m hopeful for the next year tho.

Marrakech, Morocco

Through the lens of Rime Cherai

And bim, here is 2022. The last weeks of the year are always fuzzy to me. It gets me jiggling, trying to finish everything I got started, I generally end up being really stressed. Even food seems to know how hard those weeks are… slowly but surely, as the days get closer to the 31th, the food gets warmer, comforter, preparing you to kick start the year with full energy.

Today, I have been to a cactus farm, here, in Marrakech. It was amazing, obivously. Its a fascinating plant, beautifully shaped but most of all adaptive and able to thrive in hard conditions. Metaphorically, I see it as very generous. Cactus are able to transform their hard conditions into beauty, and to share it with the world :)

Cactus Thiemann

Athens, Greece

From the mind of Kiproula Bartzoka

During December covid cases were really high, so there were some extra measures. Bars and restaurants close at midnight, and there is no music, which to be honest I cannot understand why is needed. Almost everyone had covid during December so the Christmas holidays were very different this year.

Besides covid, I broke my arm before Christmas and I needed also surgery. So I stayed in the hospital for 3 days. During those days, I realized how many people suffer and how hospitals in Greece operate. It was not a good experience, especially because covid cases were so many, some people didn’t have someone with them while they were hospitalized. The whole situation was really frustrating. Also, new year’s eve was different, as we were divided into two houses, one with people who had covid and the other one with us that we were healthy. I hope 2022 will be a better more free year.

New York City, New York, United States of America

Experienced by Jon Gayomali

In December, tornadoes swept through the South and Midwest, leveling small towns and damaging many cities. 59 twisters made their way through 10 states, killing close to 100 people. Surprisingly, little is known on the connection between climate change and tornadoes, which is a bit worrisome in that it may be the most damaging natural disasters. The FDA also authorized 2 pills to treat COVID-19, which could be a huge game changer as we approach our 3rd year in dealing with the virus.

A few days before Christmas, I ended up contracting the virus. It started with chills, body aches, congestion, and later on, lost my smell. Luckily, I was boosted with my 3rd shot at the end of November and recovered, although I’m still dealing with some lung issues. This year was a bit tough, as the virus has ramped up again after going back to a bit of normalcy, but I’m optimistic for 2022. 2021 seemed like a year of preparation and grinding for me.

