November Journal

re(s)public collective
re(s)public collective
3 min readDec 17, 2021

Mexico City, Mexico

Through the eyes of Nuria Benítez Gómez

November 25th is when the protest against female violence takes place. During this year’s demonstration, there were still women hurt at police barricades “safe”guarding monuments and the National Palace. This year’s statistics have revealed the increase in domestic violence, although feminicide numbers have decreased from 946 in 2020 to 809 in 2021. These numbers and national reality makes me deeply sad and scared.

On November 29th Mexico detected the first Omicron variant case in the country. I feel tired and vulnerable that it will most likely take a couple of years more until the world can truly get over the pandemic crisis.

Berlin, Germany

As lived by Moritz Dittrich

This month I didn’t follow the news much. In Germany the 4th wave of covid cases it hitting while the Social Democrats, the Green Party and the Liberals are forming a new government.

I been very busy the both at work. Although, this year felt more back to normal compared to the last one, my company is still struggling financially.

Athens, Greece

From the mind of Kiproula Bartzoka

In November another femicide happened, the 14th of a series of brutal femicides that took place in Greece during 2021. There are a lot of acts happening to raise awareness, but it seems that this situation has its roots in the core of our society. Even though it is the year 2021, patriarchy has always been here well-hidden besides a modern society of equality.

Also, this month's covid cases were many, we had almost 5000 every day and around 80 deaths. Also, I had covid and it has been a bit scary mainly because I was afraid for others. It took me 14 days to recover, and I think that the weirdest thing was the loss of smell. I almost burned a toast without even noticing. This was a bit funny. The hard part was that I was in quarantine so I couldn’t take my dog for walks and, I was exhausted so even if I could I didn’t have the strength to go for a proper walk. Fortunately, I had a lot of friends that offered their help every day.

New York City, New York, United States of America

Experienced by Jon Gayomali

On November 2, we voted in the General Election in New York. Eric Adams was voted in as the next New York City Major at 67.4% of the votes. Democrats were favored across the board. On the propositions, the main topics revolves around the clean air, and voting rights. Surprisingly, the end result was not what I expected as people did not vote in favor to make voting by mail easier.

The U.S. surpassed 46 million cases of COVID as the new variant Omicron is has started making its way through the rest of the world. The CDC also approved the Pfizer vaccine for 5–11 year olds.

Thanksgiving this year was different. I received my third dose of Moderna the day before. I didn’t feel many side effects aside from feeling exhausted for a few hours. My brother, sister in law, and I spent our dinner at ESME, a classic American food restaurant in Green Point. Some highlights were a ricotta squash, and stuffing muffins. It was delicious. Afterwards, we spent some time drinking cocktails with some friends. It seems that normal socializing has finally returned, and although it’s a bit exhausting, was very missed, especially being in a new city.

