The Sound We Make

First steps to finding ourselves

re(s)public collective
re(s)public collective


re(s)public is an interdisciplinary research collective. As a group we rethink the narratives of space and its related disciplines through critical design, fine arts and architecture. We aim at bridging disciplines and looking beyond the scission of academia, business and art. We believe that in the intersection of these worlds lays the inspiration and the creation of value. We believe in conversation, in learning through making, and we believe in the future. Our work offers space for reflection on art and creative practice through research.

In art school, there was a notion to think the process of interdisciplinarity and collaborative quest as an orchestra — to imagine ourselves in a group playing a melody together.


What they told us, when we did the Master of Research at the Royal College of Art, is that we should think about the kinds of sounds we can make. What makes a good sound? How do we negotiate that as a group? Is there a context for this type of practice — for the choices we make? Why do we choose this medium? Is it sustainable? Why are we concerned about sustainability? What are the implications of this work? How do I communicate with my group? Why do we communicate in this way?

From partition to concert

Loosening the rigidity that often comes with group work, and thinking of our collective research and interdisciplinary approach as a melody, unlocked our imagination and invited us to think in a much broader sense about our shared aspirations and the common set of values. How can these entangled elements help us to take research from desk to practice? Exploring this shift became the partition we wanted to work on.

In the process of building a collective, one should overcome the urge to rush. Very natural seems to be the need to skip the long hours of training — or thinking — and naturally perform this incredible concert. But, truth is persistence, and the willingness to work passionately are two unmissable notes of the melody.

Waiting for a concert

Persistence is about being able to perceive the melody at any time. Even when this melody is hidden by the noise of tuning the instruments. It is the same as the moment before the concert begins when someone is preparing the stage, moving the set and configuring the space so it can be performed. It can sound very noisy and seem messy, but learning how to appreciate this moment and use it wisely is a necessary step.


Passion is — for us — about appreciating every moment from preparation to a concert. It is about being aware that what really matters is finding the notes and instruments each of us wants to play. Which implies, as a collective, to structurally give space and time to each one to explore — to allow a constant circle of try and fail. It is also about learning how to play together and enjoy the melody. From synchronicity to cadence, rhythms, musical discords, or choosing partitions, allowing exploration through conversation is the collective’s identity. Passion demands a lot of work … but it sometimes also allows a momentum of surprises. Keeping the play as a method enables serendipity to happen and allows curiosity to be the conductor.

Play the melody together

Making choices, choosing directions. We are at this moment of conception where we are making decisions on what kind of dance we are dancing, or what kind of piece we’re playing, even if that is improvisation … we can follow up to each other’s pace to sound harmonious. Though, we know the goal is not to reach the finale of the partition, nor to reach a specific spot in the room after the dance. The goal is to play the music and to dance to it. We see the melody as a process of finding us as the destination — as the matter itself.

We aim for a melody that exists like a flock of birds on the blues clear sky. Even if it is hiding behind a cloud from time to time. Because of its consistency, it gives the audience the confidence to understands its beauty. Now the stage is set.

Stay tuned …

To find out more about the interdisciplinary and cross-cultural work that we do at re(s)public collective visit our website under See our projects or get to know our members. We also send out a newsletter on a regural base. You can sign up for it here.

