I created an AI Modeling Agency! After Mastering Midjourney’s CREF Feature

I may not be the first, but I plan to be the best.

David W Litwin
Published in
6 min readApr 11, 2024


Photo created by the Author

One of the most talked about features in Midjourney v6 is the Character Reference feature or — cref. I won’t belabor this as it’s all over this platform in stories written by some of the most inspiring AI writers. Basically, it allows you to create a character and then place that same character into a host of outfits, locations, and art and photographic styles.

For the first few days, I had a blast playing with the feature, taking how-to advice from many I respect here. Within a week, I started wondering how I could “apply” this feature for influence and revenue. So, I considered,

“Why not create an AI modeling agency?”

Within a few weeks, DETAIL AI Modeling Agency was born!

Images created by the author for Detail AI Modeling Agency

No, I’m not the first visionary entrepreneur to try this. Last year, a Spanish company set the press ablaze with their AI agency called, The Clueless, and their viral influencer sensation Aitana. They had managed to create fairly consistent imagery with this first…

