Emojis as Agency Roles

🏢 💼 ☕️💻 , By Janelle Cynthia

VERB Interactive
Published in
3 min readJul 17, 2019


Accounts: Person Juggling
Masters of multitasking, the accounts team can handle every request, deadline, and last minute change like a pro.

Content: Light Bulb
Deep thinkers who are always on the hunt for the next big thing, the content team loves to tackle new ideas.

Development: Rocket
The dev team is the driving force behind all that is digital. They’re responsible for every chat bot, interactive quiz, and website “launch” (see what I did there?).

SEO/Analytics: Hundred Points Symbol
This team has knack for data and loves to crunch a good number. They're great at solving tasks that require a scientific and thorough approach.

Creative: Artist Palette
This one may be a little on-the-nose, but when it’s right it's right. Intuitive, dreamy, and artistic, the creative team are all artists at heart.

Paid: Direct Hit
Like any good strategist, the paid team are always monitoring emerging trends and making micro-adjustments to ensure their content is performing on-point.

UX: Brain
The UX team collaborates to help with the strategy and design direction for new web builds. They’re constantly trying to find unique solutions to all kinds of fun little puzzles.

HR: Ear
Again, very on-the-nose, but hey—if you need someone to listen, that’s kinda HR’s jam. 🤷‍♀️

Accounting: Money-Mouth Face
Arguably the most important emoji of them all.

Janelle is a Project Manager at VERB Interactive — a leader in digital marketing, specializing in solutions for the travel and hospitality industry. Find out more at www.verbinteractive.com.

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