TikTok: Is it Worth Your Time?

By Katie Langton

VERB Interactive
Published in
4 min readMay 2, 2019


Everybody remembers Vine. The short, six-second, looping videos that took over the social media world from 2013 until its demise in 2016. Some of the funniest memes from Vine are still floating around the internet today like the Apple Store Woman, Squidward Dabbing, and the Who is She Vine. These short clips instilled laughter in many for three short years. However, looks like there’s a new short-form video leader in town and its name is TikTok.

What is TikTok?
TikTok is a short-form video sharing app that originates from China (also known by the name Douyin) it launched in 2016 after acquiring Musical.ly, another short-form video sharing app. Think of it as a mix between Vine and Snapchat. On TikTok, users share 15-second video clips that are fun, creative, humorous, and musical. Users share them either publicly or to their followers to try and get likes. The main users of Tiktok are Gen Z (typically between the ages of 13–18).

TikTok also presents challenges to its users by the form of hashtags. Users take these challenges and create videos using the same song, or movement as the original video and try to get the most likes. A recent challenge was the #GummyBearChallenge where users made videos to Adele’s hit song “Someone Like You”. This challenge not only made it big on TikTok but also was huge on Twitter and other platforms. Some other popular challenges are #InMyFeelingsChallenge, #UnmakeupChallenge and #DontJudgeMeChallenge. Most of these hashtags have millions of entries, showing just how big TikTok has become.

Since Gen Zs are the main users of TikTok at the moment, I figured I’d give a little rundown on how the app works. The app features vertical view videos that autoplay when the app is opened. Just like Snapchat, you have the use of filters, some you can even apply to animals! (How many times did you try to do a Snapchat filter on your cat or dog? Anybody?) The app features keywords, trending, and hashtags to search for types of videos. When watching a video you can tap to pause, double tap or heart for a like, and view the user or comments.

Is it the next big thing?
According to SensorTower’s recent Q1 release of social media downloads ‒ yes. With over 500 million monthly active users, TikTok ranked #1 in the US for both overall and GooglePlay downloads, and #2 for App Store downloads. This is pretty huge that it’s out-ranking Instagram in most categories.

Who is on the TikTok bandwagon?
So have brands been jumping on the TikTok bandwagon you ask? Indeed, some of the worlds biggest brands are advertising through TikTok and it has been quite successful. These brands include Coca-Cola, Nike, ABC, Guess and Google with the #HeyGoogleHelp challenge.

Guess launched the #InMyDenim challenge where users went from looking frumpy and lazy to an after shot of them looking chic with their Guess apparel, all to the song “I’m a Mess” by Bebe Rexha.

Even Jimmy Fallon creates Tonight Show Challenges where he asks his audience to submit videos via TikTok with his hashtag. One worth checking out is his #TumbleWeedChallenge, leave it to Jimmy Fallon to make this ridiculous challenge.

Is there money in it?
The answer is yes. Users (also known as ‘Musers’) can receive digital gifts from fans. These gifts can run from five cents to fifty dollars. The Musers can then cash these in for digital rewards.

Big brands that have created challenges on TikTok are also seeing ROI if the campaign is successful. When Guess did their #InMyDenim challenge, they incorporated influencers which increase ROI as well. If you can generate a good following and create a challenge video that entices the Gen Z audience, you could become quite successful in the TikTok world.

How brands can use TikTok
Brands should ask the following questions before jumping on the TikTok bandwagon:

  • Does my company need to tap into the Gen Z market?
  • Can my brand relate to the content on TikTok?
  • Can my brand create click-worthy content on this platform?
  • Do I have enough relevant, user-generated content to be shared?
  • If these questions relate to you, start by thinking of a relevant challenge for your followers that really encompasses your brand, work in a catchy, popular song and PRESTO, you’re ready for TikTok.

Katie is a Social Media Coordinator with VERB Interactive — a leader in digital marketing, specializing in solutions for the travel and hospitality industry. Find out more at www.verbinteractive.com.

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Litsa, T. (2019, April). TikTok was the most downloaded social media app Q1 2019. Should your brand join? Retrieved from https://www.clickz.com/tiktok-was-the-most-downloaded-social-media-app-q1-2019-should-your-brand-join/234387/

Chan, J. (2019, April). Top Social Media Apps in the U.S. for Q1 2019 by Downloads. Retrieved from https://sensortower.com/blog/top-social-media-apps-us-q1-2019-downloads

Boorstin, J. Desulniers, S. (2019, February). How TikTok is climbing the download charts, taking on Snapchat and Twitter. Retrieved from https://www.cnbc.com/2019/02/01/tiktok-climbs-the-download-charts-challenging-snapchat-and-twitter.html

Kresslein, R. (2019, January). TikTok: the world’s most valuable startup that you’ve never heard of. Retrieved from http://theconversation.com/tiktok-the-worlds-most-valuable-startup-that-youve-never-heard-of-109302

Matsakis, L. (2019, March). A Beginner’s Guide to TikTok. Retrieved from https://www.wired.com/story/how-to-use-tik-tok/



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