Employee Spotlight—Cierra

Big Vision
Published in
4 min readMar 14, 2017

Learn a little about our creative producer, Cierra. She’s the one keeping everyone on task and making sure our work is top-notch!

Can you tell us a little about yourself?

I’m from Melbourne, Florida but I moved to Orlando for Full Sail University, and graduated with a bachelors in graphic design. I’m Big Vision’s Creative Producer, which is awesome, and I love dogs more than most people.

What exactly does a Creative Producer entail?

A lot of different things, I’m basically the glue between Accounts and Production. With any new project that comes in, I work with the accounts team to make those projects happen and schedule out the jobs to the production team. I also order all the swag our clients need, as well as review all of the production work to make sure it’s on strategy and of good quality. So basically, whether it’s scheduling our talent to get tasks done, ordering cool swag for a brand, or keeping things in order on set, I get to stay involved in it all, helping our talented team do great work.

What’s your favorite thing about Big Vision?

Definitely the people. I get to work with some of my best friends, and we’re able to be open and honest and help each other grow in ways that matter, while doing things that matter. You don’t get that at a lot of jobs.

Outside of work what are your hobbies or interests?

Well, I like to design, you can look at my Dribbble for some of my projects. I also like board games, concerts, hanging out, and video games.

What video game are you currently playing?

Fall Out 4, the game’s premise is basically that you’re frozen during a nuclear attack and wake up like 200 years later and everything is destroyed, society has collapsed. You have to build up your safe area and take out raiders and venture out into a nuclear wasteland.

What music hypes you up?

I like chill music but I also like hard core music like pop punk or metal music.

So, what’s your favorite band?

A Day to Remember, they’re just super cool people. They’re from Ocala, I’ve been to a number of their shows and I’m going to one this weekend where they’re receiving the key to the city — I’m excited.

We know you love dogs, do you have a favorite breed?

Yes — I do love dogs. I (half jokingly) measure how good my days will be by how many dogs I see while out and about. I’m a fan of bigger breeds, little dogs aren’t really my jam. Other than little baby corgis — they’re the cutest. There’s actually one in my building and he’s awesome. I have a lab/collie mix named Lucas, he’s 2 years old and I’m definitely unbiased in saying he’s the smartest dog.


Favorite food?

Sesame chicken, or just Chinese take out in general, it’s my all time favorite. I also make some pretty incredible potstickers. If you haven’t been to a Big Vision sushi night to enjoy my potstickers, your life isn’t complete. Sorry.

Can you tell us a fun fact?

I’m not fun at all. Just kidding, well I don’t know if this is a fun fact or more of a funny story, but when I was a kid I would only have my picture taken if I was allowed to represent my love for Pokémon. I really loved Pokémon… and definitely still do!

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A modern creative agency.



Big Vision

A modern creative agency using creative, content, and technology to move brands. #believeinbetter