Employee Spotlight—Elyssa

Big Vision
Published in
4 min readApr 26, 2017

From intern to full-time, this copywriter loves social media, writing, and her cats.

Tell us about your background.

I grew up in New York, moved to South Florida when I was 11, and then to Orlando for college. I was always passionate about writing, but the type of writing has shifted a lot through my life from creative to slightly more technical. I graduated from the University of Central Florida with a degree in Advertising and Public Relations and a minor in Psychology. I was trying to figure out what I wanted to do in my career so I got as involved as I could in the field—completed five internships and became the president of UCF’s Public Relations Club, Quotes. My last internship was at Big Vision—surprise, surprise 😏.

So you were a Big Vision intern turned full time copywriter, what do you like about working at Big Vision?

I love the culture of the agency. It’s easy to collaborate and get different ideas flowing. Mike, our other copywriter, has a different style of writing than me so it’s great to learn from him and watch my own writing grow. The team is very supportive and I’ve learned so much from everyone, it’s been such a great experience.

Outside of work what are your hobbies or interests?

If shopping is a hobby, then that’s my hobby—albeit probably not a great one. I’ve danced my whole life but after some injuries it’s not something I can do as much as I’d like. I enjoy bike riding with my boyfriend Matt, and just walking around outside. It’s nice to get some fresh air.

What’s your favorite quote?

Throughout my college and professional career there’s a quote by Calvin Coolidge that my dad drilled into my brain by finding creative ways to send it to me, ie., mailing it in print form, emailing it to my best friend to read to me, texts…lets just say he got creative.

Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not: nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not: the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. — Calvin Coolidge

The quote serves as words of encouragement when I’m in need of motivation. It got annoying, but looking back, I’m definitely an advocate for persistence (as long as you actually deserve what you’re persisting.) Thanks Dad.

What do you enjoy about copywriting or social media?

A good chunk of the copy I write at the moment is social media related. I love being able to create a brand’s story—social media isn’t a dying fad, it’s continually catching flame. Social media lends itself to opportunity. When done correctly, it’s the extension of a brand’s voice that can reach new people on a more relatable level.

Where do you pull inspiration from?

I often roam around Instagram, Pinterest, Reddit, and other platforms. Reading short stories always sparks new ideas and words to tie into my copy. Reading other writers’ work and even just other social posts can be inspiring. There’s always more to learn, and ideas can come from the unlikeliest of places. I’m also constantly reading billboards; social is all short copy so it’s fun to read what companies feel is well written enough to be plastered on a billboard.

So we know you love your cats.

Yes. I love my cats. I have two adorable little kitties, Neiko and Kai.

Kai (left) and Neiko (right)

My mom has terrible allergies, so we never had pets growing up, so having such loving animals is so fun. I think cats get a bad rep, but mine know their names, come when they’re called, play fetch and sleep curled up with us on the bed. They’re literally the best. If you want more pictures of them (of course you do, why wouldn’t you?) you can follow my Instagram @elyssawrites.

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Big Vision

A modern creative agency using creative, content, and technology to move brands. #believeinbetter