Spring Inspiration Retreat

Big Vision
Published in
10 min readMay 2, 2017


Museums, food, and nature… What more could a creative team need?

In the interest of bonding and inspiration, the Big Vision team traveled to Tampa last weekend for our Spring Retreat. We indulge in two retreats a year—spring for inspiration, and fall for reflection. The team dives into their individual experiences below, enjoy!


For me, the retreat to Tampa challenged expectations, and broadened my appreciation for the fine arts. Having the opportunity to explore such an eclectic city really got me thinking and had me deep diving into my own world view. By far, my favorite part of the trip was the Dali museum. Dali’s work was captivating, and quickly provoked an exploration into my own thoughts and feelings. Having this collective experience with members of the team shortly after having an absolutely delicious meal at Locale Market, made for some truly unforgettable memories.

I must have spent over 30 minutes studying this masterwork titled, “Galacidalacidesoxyribonucleicacid”, in the Dali Museum. By studying other fields, Dali’s work became idiosyncratic. In this particular piece, the marriage between religion and science is clear. I found it fascinating to see both heavenly figures and molecules stretched across this vast canvas. The combination of thoughts and ideas led to a greater message. By exploring other fields, I hope to find a unique angle in my work. There’s always more to say when one keeps an open mind.


New sights. Fresh experiences. There’s something inspiring about breaking routine and exploring a new city.

The Tampa Museum of Art had a piece comparing two pictures of the same boy before and after his first fight. Something had changed inside him during the fight. You could see it in his eyes. My takeaway is a question: What’s my “first fight?” What’s yours? What’s that defining moment that will push you to the next level?

The Salvador Dali Museum was inspirational as well. Dali was so bold, so fearless, with his artwork. He studied contemporary masters of various genres and his work became the art of the future. In fact, he became a leader and iconic member of the Surrealist movement. I walked away from his work feeling inspired to pursue excellence in my own craft (copywriting), to be myself boldly, and to “stand on the shoulders of giants.”

Gala Contemplating the Mediterranean Sea which at Twenty Meters Becomes the Portrait of Abraham Lincoln-Homage to Rothko


The Tampa Spring Retreat was such a cleanse. The trip totally re-energized me. Amazing art, food, architecture, Airbnb — even the graffiti on the buildings across town inspired me.

At the Tampa Museum of Art I enjoyed the diverse range of exhibits from classic, ancient art, to modern art traditions. I especially loved the ‘Who Shot Sports’ exhibit showcasing some of the best sports photography from around the world—from 1843 to the present.

The highlight of the trip for me, was the Dali Museum and its effects on me after the experience. Dali’s work reminded me to look beyond first impressions — in his art, but also in my personal and business life — because there’s always more than meets the eye. We’re all like icebergs — only one-tenth is usually visible. If you think about how your business, your personality, your lives are perceived—is it accurate that usually only one-tenth is visible to others? When we got back to the house in the evening, Elyssa and I played a game asking each other question after question for hours. She’s more beautiful and complex than I knew. That’s challenged me to start getting to know my team and clients on a deeper level. By investing more time in getting to know each other on the team, I’m getting to see new facets of each person and am increasingly awed at the brilliant diamonds each of them are.

I’ve found myself exploring the world in new ways as Dali did.

All things are possible.


The first BV spring retreat was one for the books. It was great to experience different scenery that’s so close to home. I’ve been to Tampa before, but never experienced most of what we did. It makes me think—what other things could I be missing from Tampa, and other local areas, even here in Orlando? Even just walking through a Tampa neighborhood on our way to the next place was a really incredible time. The trip reminded me to try to experience more, and see another side of things.

I loved seeing how into art everyone was. I know that we’re all creatives, but we’re not all painters or photographers, and even so, everyone was so into the art museums we went to. It really inspired me to try to get into some of the other disciplines in the office, and really dive into, and gain some appreciation for copywriting particularly.

I think that my favorite experience of the trip was the Sunken Gardens. The closest thing in Orlando would be Leu Gardens, but a slightly different style. The gardens were great for taking photos. Huge trees provided shade through the entire area—a much appreciated oasis on a very hot and humid day. What amazed me the most about the gardens was how much of those plants I’ve never seen. I’ve lived in Florida my entire life and I’ve never seen gigantic flat palm trees like that. It made me think of how much I haven’t experienced, and what I could be missing even in my own back yard. Not only that, but it reminded me to look to nature for inspiration—whether it’s patterns, colors, shapes—I have a tendency to be so sucked into my computer that I’d just google something rather than step back and experience it. It’s a whole different level of inspiration.


My first Big Vision retreat was a great experience. We explored Tampa and St. Petersburg, walked around until we were exhausted, and took in every breath of fresh air those cities provided us. The point of the trip was inspiration, and I think we all left feeling truly inspired by nature, beautiful works of art, and the notion that we were all a bit closer.

To venture somewhere so close to home, yet so alive with new experiences was incredible. We visited Oxford Exchange in Tampa which I really enjoyed. The collection of books, coffee, and trinkets was right up my alley. It was so well set up, that every nook and cranny held something of interest.

I also enjoyed all the museums we went to and the eateries. If you haven’t been to Locale Market, GO. It was bursting with food, and the hustle and bustle of hungry people trying to figure out what delicious-looking meal to buy was such a fun experience. Their ice cream alone was inspiring.

To be honest, the best part of the trip for me was getting to know the team better. We walked the long way to get places (not always on purpose), which allowed us to talk and explore together. Alyse and I played a question game that went on for hours and team members would pop in and out answering questions. Getting to know this great group of people was an inspiring experience in of itself.


I get so much joy out of sharing what I love with people I love. That was this retreat for me. Tampa Bay is very near and dear to me for a ton of reasons. One of those reasons is the beautiful areas that exist in an urban jungle.

Henry B. Plant Park punctuated against the downtown Tampa skyline

I enjoyed sharing Ciro’s Speakeasy with the team, as well. They had never been to an establishment where reservations were made weeks in advance, a password was provided the morning of your reservation, and where we were escorted to a secret room behind a bookcase. Seeing the look of pure amusement on Joe and Alyse’s faces made it totally worthwhile.

Joe and Alyse enjoying Ciros’ vibe

Probably the highlight of the trip is the Salvador Dali Museum; we spent hours soaked in the imagination of Dali and the lifestyle he led with his love and his muse, Gala.


It was refreshing to visit a different city and experience what another place has to offer. The photography at the Tampa Museum of Art was incredible to explore. Getting the chance to examine such a wide variety of work is always inspiring, and it was interesting to read about the techniques that the photographers used to capture the vision they had for the photo.

I also enjoyed walking through the Sunken Gardens, which is similar to Leu Gardens in Orlando. A lot of times when designing a brand or an image that’s supposed to be influenced by nature, we don’t actually get the chance to go out and physically get in the middle of it, so it was a nice break from being in downtown all the time. Additionally, it was super hot that day and the shade from the garden’s trees was a life-saver.


Our Tampa Spring Retreat offered great scenery, authentic cuban food, and my first experience with a secret bookshelf entrance-way. Usually on retreats like this I’m just looking forward to relaxing, but this trip proved to be more than just a relaxing getaway. Each planned out event offered something new, interesting, and authentic to the Tampa area.

My favorite retreat highlight was visiting Oxford Exchange. I’ve been here once before and was really excited to return. The style and theme displayed made me want to purchase every over-priced book and knick knack. A lot of the photos captured there were my favorites of the trip.


The first Big Vision spring retreat. Breaking out from the office day-to-day to explore and discover inspiration from a new city. Growth is why Big Vision invests in this trip. It gives us time to grow together and grow ourselves. Breaking outside of the daily norm provides new perspectives that help us serve the brands we work for with new ideas.

A few things I admired during the day experiencing Dali’s art were his simple life, purposeful work, and constant innovation. While the man certainly had his quirks, he never settled for mediocrity. He made a point to master the trends of today so that he could discover the innovations of tomorrow. This pursuit of innovation — of going places others had not is something we believe is critical to our success at Big Vision. Dali was skilled and bold enough to break from design trends and pursue his own path. This challenge of the self to be better has inspired me to look for ways to push myself, our team, and our clients to also do things that are bold and new.

Dali understood that his life’s work would become his legacy, and the museum in his name is a testament to be purposeful with whatever it is that you create.

Check out more photos from the spring retreat.

Learn more about Big Vision here, and if you’re curious about working together let us know!

A modern creative agency.



Big Vision

A modern creative agency using creative, content, and technology to move brands. #believeinbetter