Video, AR, Reddit and Clickbait— Digital Roundup | # 26

Elyssa Wiener
Published in
4 min readAug 25, 2017


Reddit adds video content, Facebook gets rid of clickbait, Apple’s ARKit is coming, and so much more! Check it out to stay up-to-date👇🏼.

Reddit Adds Video

Your favorite social news site is incorporating more video into it’s platform.

In an attempt to keep users on the site longer (and gain some ad dollars) Reddit is starting to show users automatic video ads. The ads play instantly with the sound off, much like Facebook, so they don’t intrude into your life and what’s going on around you.

The site also launched its own video experience which was created internally to help monitor the type of videos uploaded. Users will no longer have to move over to YouTube to share videos, they can stay on Reddit’s site and do it from there.

Not everyone can upload content, only pre-approved subreddits have the ability. Reddit has said that they’re ready to expand the feature and that those interested can work with site moderators to enable the feature.

Instagram Inception

Instagram is adding some fun ways to keep your private conversations interesting. When someone sends you a message with a photo, you now have the ability to alter the photo and add photos inside it.

The way it works is when you receive a photo in a message, there’s now a reply button that when tapped turns the photo you received into a sticker that you can play around with and send back.

If you tap the photo it will fill the top half of your screen and you can take a selfie for the bottom half and create something fun. It’s a unique way to keep the conversation flowing. Another cool thing about this new feature is that it isn’t limited to direct messages, you can also use it when replying to someone’s story!

Facebook and Clickbait

Have you been scrolling on Facebook and came across what looked like a video with a play button but actually was a static image? Or a video of a static image?

Facebook’s algorithm actively promotes videos—especially those longer in length. Spammers have been found exploiting this to trick users into clicking links to low-quality websites. Users started noticing static images, like memes, disguised as 10-second videos. The algorithm will now be cracking down on images with fake play buttons as well as “meme videos” which are videos that just loop a static image.

Most Facebook Pages won’t be affected, but those which promote this type of content will quickly see a sharp decline in views over the next few weeks.

Essential Phone

The Essential Phone is a little phone with big ambition.

Created by a maker of Android, the new billion-dollar startup is packing a lot of features into a smaller sized phone than the iPhone 7 Plus and similar sized devices.

The Verge Review:

Features include:

  • 360 degree camera
  • Edge-to-edge screen
  • Dual camera that doesn’t add thickness to the phone
  • 5.7 inch LCD screen

The 5.7 inch display provides a larger screen than the iPhone 7 Plus or Pixel XL, but the phone itself is smaller and more closely sized to the iPhone 7 and Pixel. Sounds too good to be true, right?


Have you heard of ARKit? It’s one of the biggest changes to iOS 11.

Apple has been working to transform the iPhone into an incredible AR (augmented reality) device. The possibility that you could get 3D directions through Maps is in the very near future.

iOS 11, along with the new batch of iPhones, will be released in September. It hasn’t been announced yet whether these futuristic AR capabilities will be included, but with all the buzz lately, it’s definitely possible. If it’s not included, it’ll surely release soon after. Keep an eye on our Digital Roundups over the next few months and we’ll keep you updated!

That’s all for this week’s digital roundup. Be sure to catch up on last week’s if you haven’t yet, and we’ll have more for you next time!

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Elyssa Wiener

A copywriter with a coffee addiction, a cat obsession and a slight sarcasm problem.