100 miles to somewhere

I am 2,735 miles from the equator. 720 miles from the closest sea level town and 42 miles from the Rocky Mountain National Park.

Alexa Sue Ault
RE: Write


Hiking to me is an escape. Once I put my feet on the hard ground I am home. It becomes a mediation to help clear all thoughts and discouragement.

The best thing about hiking is you are trying to push your limits and see your own potential. You are in a place where no one sees and no one cares. It is up to you to achieve your goals and how far you go outside of your comfort zone.

Design is similar in a way because you are always trying to push the limits and break out of your comfort zone. It is also different in the fact that you want everyone to see your work and to care about it.

The journey of my design life has been a quite fervent. I have traveled coast to coast, continent to continent, and city to city. I have ran marathons and trekked up sides of mountains but nothing has been more mentally enduring then starting BDW. Yes, it is an accelerator post grad-program. Yes, I am in a room of very talented individuals that push my thinking process and creative talents everyday. However, no books or words of wisdom could of prepped me for what I have begun.

Enrolling at BDW has now became the risky choice I have ever taken. Everyday I discover something different. Everyday I am faced with new challenges. Everyday my brain reminds me of how much knowledge it is absorbing.

We have to take risks in life. If we don’t then what is the point of it all and how do you get the reward of success?

I have set an intention and new goal for myself in 2015. At BDW I am going to do whatever it takes to soak in as much experience and information as I possibly can. If that means no more happy hours, trivia nights, or backpacking excursions then so be it. My commitment is my education and I want to breath BDW.

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