20 Things I Have Learned This Year

Since we are officially half way through 2019, here is a quick list of the best lessons the past 6 months have taught me.

Sarah Cohen
RE: Write
2 min readJul 3, 2019


Photo by Maddi Bazzocco on Unsplash
  1. Do less better.
  2. Don’t downplay or bash your own work.
  3. Speak less but say more. Be intentional with language.
  4. Asking the right questions is harder than finding the right answers.
  5. In difficult situations, be patient and think about the long run.
  6. The more you read, the more intelligent you will become.
  7. The people that are the most pleasant to be around are the ones who make other people feel important.
  8. Too much time indoors is toxic for anyone.
  9. Maturity and age are not the same thing.
  10. You can quite literally teach yourself anything. Youtube tutorials, Skill Share and Google should be your best friends.
  11. Most of the time, feedback comes with good intentions.
  12. Your gut is there for a reason, trust it.
  13. If possible, work when your creative energy is at its highest.
  14. Story telling is a difficult art to master.
  15. Finding the environment where you are most productive is key to success. I work best when other people are around but not talking to me, like at a coffee shop.
  16. Both positivity and negativity can be contagious.
  17. Effective leadership often comes from people who are not in charge.
  18. Nothing good comes from comparing yourself to others.
  19. Consensus really does kill creativity.
  20. Perfection is impossible, because it is subjective.



Sarah Cohen
RE: Write

Experience Design Student | CMCI Studio, CU Boulder | Inspired by good coffee, sunny weather and passionate people.