4Ocean Interactive Installation

Designing an Experiential Activation

Tess Stevens
RE: Write
3 min readApr 29, 2020


In my UX class the last couple of weeks we’ve been learning about experiential activations. We acknowledged the irony of learning about in person experiential activations while we’re all stuck in our homes in social isolation stuck. But it was still a very interesting topic, even if not directly relevant at this moment.

For my project, I decided to design a hypothetical experiential activation for 4Ocean, an ocean cleanup company that I have been following for a few years.

via 4Ocean.com

The Installation

A large digital wall in a frequented public space (street, public park, airport wall, etc) showing a video of the ocean, full of trash and ocean animals.

A sensor tracks your movement in front of the screen, and as you move the trash in the scene bobs after you.

A donation to the built in credit card scanner causes a boat to appear that scoops up a piece of trash.


  1. Raise awareness about ocean pollution.
  2. Raise money for 4Ocean’s work.


People walking by are intrigued by a video wall showing an ocean scene. The scene continually changes as ocean creatures swim in and out of the frame. At first you only notice the animals, but later you are disturbed by how much trash is in the scene. As you move in front of the scene, sensors cause the trash in the animation to follow you.

Large lettering invites you to donate to remove trash. When you donate, a boat moves into view and removes one piece of trash. Wording appears challenging other onlookers to contribute to get rid of the rest of the trash. They all donate too.

Sketches of the Installation

These sketches walk you through how the installation would function.

a video animation of an ocean scene becomes more ominous when you realize that it’s full of garbage
donating to 4Ocean through the installation causes an interaction
when you donate, a boat moves into the scene and removes one piece of trash
if you walk away, the sensors cause the trash to follow you


Viewers leave the experience of the 4Ocean installation thinking about ocean pollution and their own consumption habits, and with 4Ocean’s name on their mind.

Whether or not they donated at the installation, they might be inspired to donate later. Hopefully they will be interested in learning more, and making small changes in their own lives to curb ocean pollution.

Other Variation Ideas

  • A kiosk size version of the installation
  • Timed challenges (can donations at this location remove all the trash in one day/week?)
  • Trash changing based on the season (e.g. holiday trash)
  • Donation opens an automatic door that gives you a sustainable prize (e.g. bamboo toothbrush)
  • Interactive aspect gives you more information about specific types of trash (e.g. there are 4 billion plastic toothbrushes in the ocean)

