5 Idea Generators for Any Kind of Designer

Vanessa Frye
RE: Write
Published in
2 min readFeb 18, 2020

Sometimes designers need a boost, especially when putting together awesome content for their portfolio. Design generators are a great tool to learn new skills or put old ones to use. Listed below are five generators that will help any kind of designer.


FakeClients randomly generates short briefs as if actual clients are delivering them. Designers can practice logos, illustrations, websites, apps, and more. FakeClients also has a place for users to post their work and receive feedback.


From apps to thank you cards, Briefz is a fast way to get some inspiration. Austin Biard, the creator of Briefz, is a visual designer based out of Chicago who has designed on apps, websites, print material, t-shirts, and more.


Sharpen.Design can generate millions of different design challenges. They are focused on sharing short, open-ended design briefs in UX, branding, and marketing. They also have a STEM section that has prompts for engineers to innovate and build.

The Daily Logo Challenge

The Daily Logo Challenge sents design prompts directly to your inbox. The challenges can help practice new styles and sharpen new skills.


Designercize is made to help users get better at designing out loud. This one is meant to be used with a group of at least two people. Designercize aims to help people nail whiteboard ideation sessions.

