A bad user experience with Safeway

Yangmin Zhang
RE: Write
Published in
2 min readMar 18, 2020
Safeway Logo

Recently, due to corona virus, I stayed at home for several days and am going to stay for a long period in the future. For better surviving in current situation, I decided to order some necessities for life on Safeway’s app and asked for delivery service. However, until the reservation time, I have not received the product I wanted, and the whole delivery process was also very annoyed.

On the morning of my reservation date, because my credit card declined this item, I received a text which Safeway and asked me to contact them. The time I found the text was already several hours later, but I still got contact with the worker and got a definite answer that they would put my reservation on the bottom of the list and asked me to wait for them at home. In the waiting period, I tired to use Safeway’s app and website to tract my order, but its function was just for providing specific call number via automatic emails which could not really help me to deal with my problem. And this annoying feature could only provide by website’s page footer but not in the account’s order session, also not provided by app.

Thus, I sketch a very rough wireframe to design an order tracking feature for the Safeway’s app. And also a website version which is more obvious in the page.

My insight is to increase the order tracking option for both website and app.

The left one is the initial website without order track option in Orders session. The right one is the redesign with “Track my order” option in Orders session.
The left one is the initial tracking option and leads to an automatic email. The right one is redesign with map tracking option in the website.
The left one is the initial app page without order tracking option. The right one is the redesign page with a “Track my order” button and after click it, it will pop up a map.



Yangmin Zhang
RE: Write

Masters Student in Strategic Communication Design of CMCI Studio, CU Boulder. “In me the tiger sniffs the rose.”