An Experimental Approach to a Self-Portrait

Nick Balderston
RE: Write
Published in
2 min readOct 27, 2017

Until now, I didn’t have a profile photo for Medium. As I thought I should have a profile photo, I began to think about how I wanted to portray myself. I consider myself an experimenter, so I thought about how I might incorporate experimentation into my portrait. I wanted to incorporate light and color in some interesting way, so I put together a rainbow of LEDs.

Standing directly in front of the LEDs didn’t produce very interesting results, so I put a mirror in front of them to project the light onto the wall. Once I had a more useful lighting arrangement, I experimented with different camera settings to photograph the colors. A longer exposure helped in capturing the colors in a darkened room. Here is the result:

Then, I did some additional experimentation with the photo timing:

