Apps: The Deeper Connectivity

Carisa LVG
RE: Write
Published in
2 min readOct 18, 2018

It is fall, and as I look outside I can see a wink of sunshine just starting to alight the yard. I wonder what to wear, if there is a chance of rain and begin to plot how to best protect myself against glaring sunshine or cold. A weather app is a simple tool I use to determine on a fundamental level, what is my best chance of protection against the elements.

Basic comforts. Simple, right? If we can create a level of comfort, we then are more capable of completing activities despite rain, cold, heat, etc.

What if we were to add an additional human layer on top of this and get to the fundamental ingredients that make us function at a higher level. Sustainable water, food, knowledge, safety, community…

Hala Systems Mobile App “Sentry” warns Syrians about regime airstrikes

Could we be doing more? Some American developers said yes. As recently as September 26th, with reports surfacing in August 2018; the relationship between Tech and Syrians became clear. Early warning systems allow entire populations an attempt to adapt to a war which plagues their families and civilian structure; a war they did not ask for.

After seven years of relentless bombing, this early warning notification app which pushes out location of strike via social media and phones is a welcoming survival tool — like putting on a parka before stepping out in a blizzard.

American developers worked with spotters, who are trained to document aircraft and direction they are heading into an algorithm…

In developing the app, volunteers are able to predict attacks, and within seconds of having spotted a potential threat, a warning notice reaches citizens allowing them the chance to reach safety ahead of violent acts.

Creators believe this application is useful not just in Syria, but also other countries around the world. What are other inert layers of security we rely on to focus at a fundamental level versus an intellectual one? What apps have yet to be created that are as valuable to human comfort as humanitarian disguised as entertainment. What other problems can Apps take pressure from? And how soon can we create them?

One things for sure, this App stresses the importance of just how many individuals- from inside of tech to locals on the ground — it may take to first recognize a problem and then to solve it. All these hands may not stop the war, but it is a stop gap in the war towards saving lives until that day arrives.

-Carisa LVG



Carisa LVG
RE: Write
Writer for

Visual artist, webmaster, silkscreen printer, entrepreneur.