A crash course for applying it to user experience design

Dave M Laskowski II
RE: Write
1 min readApr 7, 2020


Design for Behavior Change has been the topic of a project that I am working on in a UX class. To start we looked at self-determination theory.


The 3 B’s

  • Behavior— What is the specific behavior we want achieved/changed?
  • Barriers — How can our product reduce barriers to the desired behavior?
  • Benefits — How might we amplify the benefits of this behavior?

Next we looked at the 5 principles of incentives.

  1. Losses loom larger than gains.
  2. Reference points matter.
  3. We overweight small probabilities.
  4. We mentally allocate money to discrete bundles.
  5. We live for today at the expense of tomorrow.

BJ Fogg

Behavior =
Motivation, Is the user motivated enough to take action and engage with your product, service, or brand?

Ability, Is the user able to demonstrate the behavior we want them to,using our product or service? How easy or hard is it?

Triggers, Have we done everything we can to ask and remind the user totake this action or show this behavior?

It’s on like Donkey Kong

To add some fun to our projects we had a guest speaker come on the topic of Gamification.



Dave M Laskowski II
RE: Write

Grad Student, Experience Design | CMCI Studio, CU Boulder