Branding My Ideated Toner

Xingyu Zhong
RE: Write
Published in
4 min readJun 18, 2019

The last project in Jay’s class was branding anything that we are interested. When I was thinking about it, I thought of that I was always having a hard time to find the toner that I wanted. I wanted a toner that is light and fresh to just make my skin feel not tight and smooth. But the toners on the market are either too nourished that leaves a sticky feeling on face or too weak that couldn’t make any difference. I would like a toner that is naturally supplying water to my skin, just like people drink a cup of tea when they feel thirsty and tired, the toner should be the cup of tea to the thirsty skin, leaving nothing but a healthy and refreshing feeling after using. This was how TEAQUO came up.

TEAQUO is a calming toner focusing skincare brand only use tea as its main ingredient. Just like giving a cup of tea to the skin, replenish water and refreshment to bare skin with benefits of different tea.

The Logo

What it means

Our brand’s name is TEAQUO. It is a combination of word “tea” and “aquo”, which means the tiny molecule of tea water, a special tea drink with an easier absorbing form only for skin.

The Design

The logomark is formed by letter “T” and “Q” to create a tea leaf shape. With the light blue color, it emphasizes the gentle water based product feel.

The typeface of the logotype is Nobel. The geometric shape of the font gives a sense of clean and modern feeling with inviting warmth. The leaf-like shape of the “Q” matches well with the logomark, together enhance the tea element of the brand.

Color Usage

The color usage for TEAQUO is fairly minimal. The logo will only be used in the primary colors, light blue and black, or all white. When using on colored background, always use the logo in all white color.

Color Palette


The primary colors are key indicators of our brand design. Black is most often used for typography against white background. Light blue is the symbol color of the brand, could act as a supporting color that can be used for design elements.


The secondary colors are used in combination with or separately from the primary colors. These are meant to add extra depth and interest to the designs. Additionally, the tone of each color can be adjusted to create more depth within design elements and touch points.


Proxima Nova

We use Proxima Nova font family as our typeface. This typeface represents the clean and modern feeling of the brand.

Use multiple weights to establish a clear hierarchy. Thicker ones for the headlines and titles; thinner ones for body text.


To best maintain the high quality and natural tea drink feeling of the brand, we use glass bottle as our main product packaging. Just like the importance of knowing beverage product’s expired date, our toner will always show clearly the best using period to ensure the freshness of our product.

Label design continues the clean and modern feeling of the brand. Lined up by the logotype, the “TEA” side shows the toner’s tea ingredient and introduction; The “AQUO” side shows product functions, expired date, and capacity.

